Reverse Dependencies of starlette-admin
The following projects have a declared dependency on starlette-admin:
- chowda — A CLAMS processing application
- dotreact — Web apps in pure Python.
- dotserve — Web apps in pure Python.
- keycloak-oauth — Keycloak OAuth client for Python projects
- NextPy — ⚡The Pure Python Framework for Web Apps, Meticulously Optimized for 🤖AI agents🤖. World's first AMS🥇
- openagent-dev — Web apps in pure Python with all the flexibility and speed of nextjs.
- pynecone — Web apps in pure Python.
- reflex — Web apps in pure Python.
- sktaip-api — AIX Platform Agent API Server for Deployment
- starlette-admin-fields — Extra fields to use with Starlette Admin
- starlette-admin-litestar-plugin — Starlette Admin plugin for LiteStar
- starlette-web — Asynchronous web framework, based on Starlette and inspired by Django
- toolhost — Web apps in pure Python with all the flexibility and speed of nextjs.
- wiederverwendbar — A collection of scripts, classes and tools they are \"wiederverwendbar\".