Reverse Dependencies of squidpy
The following projects have a declared dependency on squidpy:
- aestetik — AESTETIK: AutoEncoder for Spatial Transcriptomics Expression with Topology and Image Knowledge
- ai4scr-athena — ATHENA package provides methods to analyse spatial heterogeneity in spatial omics data
- B-HIT — A Python package for the identification, characterization and comparison of spatial clusters from spatial -omics data.
- campa — no summary
- cellcharter — A Python package for the identification, characterization and comparison of spatial clusters from spatial -omics data.
- celldega — no summary
- citegeist — A spatial transcriptomics deconvolution tool for cell type identification and gene expression analysis
- DeepTalk-ST — Cell-cell communication prediction for ST data
- entrain — A single-cell analysis package to elucidate environmental factors controlling cell differentiation in RNA velocity and spatial datasets.
- entrain-spatial — A single-cell analysis package to elucidate environmental factors controlling cell differentiation in spatial datasets.
- eykthyr — Eykthyr: Revealing transcriptional regulators of spatial gene programs
- FineST — FineST: Fine-grained Spatial Transcriptomic
- geome — Geometric Learning for Genome Data
- geospace-st — GeoSpace method for identifying multiscale structure in spatial transcriptomic data
- glue-genes — Multidimensional data visualization for genomics
- graphcompass — Spatial metrics for differential analyses of cell organization across conditions
- graphxl — Workbench for Deep Learning on network datasets
- harpy-analysis — single-cell spatial proteomics analysis that makes you happy
- imc-analysis — A multi-file Python command line tool with commands qc, phenotype, and visualize.
- maxspin — Estimate spatial information in spatial -omics datasets.
- metachat — Spatial metabolic communication flow of single cells.
- metaspace-converter — Convert Metaspace datasets to AnnData
- MILWRM — Multiplex Image Labeling With Regional Morphology
- moscot — Multi-omic single-cell optimal transport tools
- napari-prism — A Python package for the inteRactive and Integrated analySis of Multiplexed tissue microarrays
- napari-spatialdata — Interactive visualization of spatial omics data with napari
- ncem — ncem. Learning cell communication from spatial graphs of cells.
- nichecompass — End-to-end analysis of spatial multi-omics data
- nichejepa — Spatial omics foundation model
- palmettobug — A GUI for (imaging) mass cyometry analysis predominantly based on the popular Steinbock and CATALYST image processing and data analysis packages and written in customtkinter.
- panpipes — Panpipes - multimodal single cell pipelines
- plastinet — Plastinet is Python package for spatial transcriptomics.
- popari — Popari: a probabilistic graphical model for integrated spatial transcriptomics analysis
- process-hdst — Downstream analysis tool for spatial transcriptomics data, especially for data from HDSTDb
- scCellFie — A tool for inferring metabolic activities from single-cell and spatial transcriptomics
- scTM — A toolbox for single cell topic models
- sctriangulate — A Python package to mix-and-match conflicting clustering results in single cell analysis, and generate reconciled clustering solutions.
- scvi-tools — Deep probabilistic analysis of single-cell omics data.
- SEAGAL — Spatial Enrichment Analysis of Gene Association using L-index
- seu3d-tool — A web server for visualization of spatial-temporal single cell transcriptomics data
- space-srt — SPatial transcriptomics Analysis via Cell Embedding
- SpaceFlow — Identifying Spatiotemporal Patterns of Cells for Spatial Transcriptome Data
- SPACEL — SPACEL: characterizing spatial transcriptome architectures by deep-learning
- spatial-aging-clock — Spatial Aging Clock
- spatial-analysis-toolkit — tools for interacting with spatial data
- spatial-eggplant — Landmark-based transfer of spatial transcriptomics data
- spatial-utils — a collection of utilities for spatial-omics analysis
- spatialleiden — Implementation of multiplex Leiden for analysis of spatial omics data.
- spatialprofilingtoolbox — Toolbox for spatial analysis of single cell data.
- spicemix — SpiceMix: a probabilistic graphical model for spatial transcriptomics data
- spider-st — Identifying spatially variable interactions
- spiderYa — Identifying spatially variable interactions
- spotiphy — An integrated pipeline designed to deconvolute and decompose spatial transcriptomics data, and produce pseudo single-cell resolution images.
- SpottedPy — Spatial hotspot analysis
- st-graphpca — A fast and interpretable dimension reduction algorithm for spatial transcriptomics data.
- st-spider — A tools to simulate spatial transcriptomics data.
- stars-omics — A spatial transcriptomics analysis tool.
- StereoUtils — scanpy extra function for STOmics
- STHD — STHD: probabilistic cell typing of single Spots in whole Transcriptome spatial data with High Definition
- tissue-sc — TISSUE (Transcript Imputation with Spatial Single-cell Uncertainty Estimation) provides tools for estimating well-calibrated uncertainty measures for gene expression predictions in single-cell spatial transcriptomics datasets and utilizing them in downstream analyses
- transpa — Translation-based imputation and cell type deconvolution
- xclone — Inference of clonal Copy Number Alterations in single cells