Reverse Dependencies of sqlite3
The following projects have a declared dependency on sqlite3:
- Astro-Lib — Astrology Information Package
- basictwitternlp — Scrape Twitter based off query and runs NLTK vader and cos similarity model
- catd — A Chinese co-word analysis with topic discovery package
- CONTROLE-DE-DESPESAS-PESSOAIS — controle de despesas pessoais
- DeepLScrapper — An unofficial Python library for translating text using DeepL
- dslibrary — Data Science Framework & Abstractions
- easysqlite — Wrapper librray for SQLite3
- fanompo — Propensity score matching for python and graphical plots
- hedgesql — Convenient work with sqlite3 and aiosqlite
- meeting-roles — A FastAPI web app to manage meeting roles
- mini-chat-client — mini_chat_client
- mini-chat-server — mini_chat_server
- pan-plyr — Pandas with dplyr style
- — A modern webserver, check github for more information
- RFhotJup — Library that gives you predicted radio fluxes of Hot Jupiters
- salomos — Salomos is a Python package that provides a domain-specific language (DSL) processor for executing commands based on sentences stored in a SQLite database.
- selOp — A tool for Selenium element operations.
- simplepw — A CLI Application for generating and managing passwords
- sqlhere — sqlhere is made with an intention to help you create and use sql data locally. For Data Science Uses.
- sqliteminor — Python class for working with sqlite databases.
- ssmpy — Basic functions to start using semantic similarity measures directly from a rdf or owl file.
- thread-safe-sqlite — A thread safe DSL for sqlite3.
- Trinnuty — no summary
- WaterTankMonitoringSystem-pkg-THRMAT007-LKYROS001 — Design project
- wildev-pysql — Python SQL Wrapper