Reverse Dependencies of sqlfluff
The following projects have a declared dependency on sqlfluff:
- alvin-cli — Alvin CLI
- ampere-meter — Tooling to track and visualize engagement with the mrpowers-io organization
- blackmesa-dbt — A packaged dbt project for use with Prefect
- cagey — Streamlined automated data analysis.
- cdbt — A CLI tool to manage dbt builds with state handling and manifest management
- collate-sqllineage — Collate SQL Lineage for Analysis Tool powered by Python and sqlfluff based on sqllineage.
- configops — A devops config tool
- cumulus-library — Clinical study SQL generation for data derived from bulk FHIR
- cumulus-library-covid — SQL generation for cumulus covid symptom analysis
- cumulus-library-suicidality-icd10 — Validation of ICD-10 code usage of Suicidality Cases Compared to Patient Chart Review
- dbt-exasol — Adapter to dbt-core for warehouse Exasol
- dbt-superset-lineage — Make dbt docs and Apache Superset talk to one another
- dwhgen — generating schema YAML and models for source system interfaces and PSA historization
- easy-sql-easy-sql — A library developed to ease the data ETL development process.
- easy-sql-easy-sql-j — A library developed to ease the data ETL development process.
- jsqlib — JSON to SQL query generator
- local-redash — no summary
- nesso-cli — A CLI tool for managing data models.
- odd-cli — Command line tool for working with OpenDataDiscovery.
- opendbt — opendbt dbt-core with additional features
- openmetadata-sqllineage — OpenMetadata SQL Lineage for Analysis Tool powered by Python and sqlfluff based on sqllineage.
- py-pilecore — Public python SDK for the CEMS PileCore web-API.
- pycodehash — no summary
- pysparkler — A tool that upgrades your PySpark scripts to the latest Spark version as per Spark migration Guideline
- pysquel — no summary
- pytest-sqlfluff — A pytest plugin to use sqlfluff to enable format checking of sql files.
- spear-ai-sqlfluff-config — Spear AI SQLFluff config
- sql-lsp — no summary
- sqlfluff-common-conventions — An SQLFluff plugin for rules that enforce common SQL naming conventions.
- sqlfluff-plugin-easy-ql — A sqlfluff plugin
- sqlfluff-plugin-schema — no summary
- sqlfluff-plugin-sparksql-upgrade — SQLFluff rules to help migrate your Spark SQL from 2.X to 3.X
- sqlfluff-templater-dataform — Lint your dataform project SQL
- sqlfluff-templater-dbt — Lint your dbt project SQL
- sqlfmt — An uncompromising SQL query formatter.
- sqllineage — SQL Lineage Analysis Tool powered by Python
- sqlxfluff — no summary
- swoop.db — Database for STAC Workflow Open Orchestration Framework
- tableau-sql-parser — A tool for parsing Tableau custom SQL queries and extracting useful information
- txt2sql — An open source package for all your txt2sql needs.