Reverse Dependencies of spotpy
The following projects have a declared dependency on spotpy:
- calisim — A library of methods to calibrate simulation models.
- cmflumped — A toolbox to build, debug, run and calibrate lumped cmf models
- emagpy — API for FDEM inversion and data manipulation
- hydromodel — hydrological models starting from XinAnJiang
- MOGESTpy — Water resources management model based on hydrological and hydronimic models
- pcrglobwb-utils — Handy functions to work with PCR-GLOBWB input and output
- pyet — pyet - Estimation of Potential Evaporation
- smartpy — An implementation of the rainfall-runoff model SMART in Python
- swatpy — A Python package to run, control/manipulate and analyse SWAT2012 models
- tikon — Modelos de redes agroecológicas
- tinamit — Conexión de modelos socioeconómicos (dinámicas de los sistemas) con modelos biofísicos.
- welltestpy — welltestpy - package to handle well-based Field-campaigns.
- wrfhydropy — API for the WRF-Hydro model
- xhydro — Hydrological analysis library built with xarray.
- xhydro-temp — Hydrological analysis library built with xarray.