Reverse Dependencies of splunk-sdk
The following projects have a declared dependency on splunk-sdk:
- contentctl — Splunk Content Control Tool
- cypresspoint — Python helper bits for Splunk add-on development
- detect-droid — Detection Rules Optimisation Integration Deployment
- fastai-splunk — fastai-splunk allows you to import Splunk data using fastai
- flan — Create (very good) fake NCSA Combined Log Format access.log files for testing log-consuming systems like Splunk, ActiveMQ, Amazon MQ, RabbitMQ, Kafka, FluentD, Flume, Pulsar, Nifi...
- fluid_report — no summary
- huntlib — A Python library to help with some common threat hunting data analysis operations
- kintyre-splunk-conf — KSCONF: Ksconf Splunk Configuration Tool
- ksconf — KSCONF: Ksconf Splunk Configuration Tool
- msticpy — MSTIC Security Tools
- ninfo — Plugin based information gathering library
- nodestream-plugin-splunk — no summary
- omigo-ext — Extensions for omigo_core package
- pytest-splunk-addon — A Dynamic test tool for Splunk Apps and Add-ons
- pytest-splunk-env — pytest fixtures for interaction with Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Cloud
- saltext.splunk — Salt Extension for interacting with Splunk
- slo-generator — SLO Generator
- solnlib — The Splunk Software Development Kit for Splunk Solutions
- spl-manager — A helper for Splunk-related development, maintenance, or migration operations.
- splunk-sdk928 — A Splunk SDK that expands on Splunklib API provided by Splunk to help orchestrate continual processes
- splunksplwrapper — Package to interact with Splunk
- splunktaucclib — no summary
- sputil — Splunk Utility
- sticht — no summary
- unskript-cloudnative-observability — Opensource unSkript Python Package repository