Reverse Dependencies of sphinxcontrib-websupport
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinxcontrib-websupport:
- accsr — Utils for accessing data from anywhere
- alpha-cord — no summary
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- ansys-mapdl-core — A Python wrapper for Ansys MAPDL.
- ansys-mechanical-core — A python wrapper for Ansys Mechanical
- ansys-systemcoupling-core — A Python wrapper for Ansys System Coupling.
- arku — Fast job queuing and RPC in Python with asyncio and Redis
- asciipy-any — python library and cli tool to convert images and videos to ascii.
- async-patterns — pattern for registering callbacks
- aztarna — A footprinting tool for ROS and SROS systems
- bftools — A brainfuck toolbox for python.
- buildbot — The Continuous Integration Framework
- codemach — very simple tool for executing python code objects
- — A Python wrapper for the Discord API| A Continuation Of
- dicomweb-client — Client for DICOMweb RESTful services.
- diffy — Forensic differentiator
- dipex — OS2mo-data-import-and-export
- discord-class-commands — A extension module to facilitate class-based creation of application commands.
- discord-dayong — A Python wrapper for the Discord API
- discord-ext-audiorec — A experimental extention for audio recording
- discord-ext-levenshtein — A extension for command name suggestion
- discord-pda — A Python wrapper for the Discord API
- — A Python wrapper for the Discord API
- discord-py-api — A Python wrapper for the Discord API
- — A fork of an Python wrapper for the Discord API
- discord-py-message-components — The Library with implementation of the Discord-Message-Components
- — A Python wrapper for the Discord API
- — A Python wrapper for the Discord user API
- — Simple tools for
- discord2 — A Python wrapper for the Discord API
- diskord — An API wrapper around Discord API written in Python
- django-alexa — Amazon Alexa Skills Kit integration for Django
- docubox — single busybox like binary for document solutions
- donatello-py — A asynchronous/synchronous python wrapper for the Donatello API.
- donphan — Asynchronous Database ORM for Postgres
- ebook-homebrew — Rename image file to only digit name and convert ebook files.
- — A Python wrapper for the Discord API
- enhanced-dpy — A Python wrapper for the Discord API
- entity-embeddings-categorical — no summary
- eule — Euler diagrams in python
- — no summary
- FightMan01dc.pymod — A python wrapper for the Discord API
- — A Python wrapper for the Fluxpoint API
- fortnite-api — A python wrapper for
- gatepoint — A Python library API for the Discord.
- — A Python wrapper for the Discord API
- git-dag — Generates the DAG of a git repository
- glowcord — A Python wrapper for the Discord API forked from
- — An API wrapper in Python for Guilded's bot API
- hatemile — HaTeMiLe is a library that can convert a HTML code in a HTML code more accessible.
- hatemile-for-django — HaTeMiLe for Django improve accessibility of web pages that uses the Django framework, converting pages with HTML code into pages with a more accessible code.
- hermit — Unchained Capital Hermit
- hexonet.apiconnector — hexonet.apiconnector is a connector library for the insanely fast HEXONET Backend API
- hfhd — hfhd is an accelerated Python library for estimating (integrated) covariance matrices with high frequency data in high dimensions.
- highdicom — High-level DICOM abstractions.
- hugo_jupyter — Use Jupyter notebooks to publish with Hugo.
- — A Python wrapper for the Discord API
- jedi — An autocompletion tool for Python that can be used for text editors.
- km3astro — Astronomical utilities for KM3NeT
- km3pipe — "An analysis framework for KM3NeT"
- kyle-calibration — appliedAI classifier calibration library
- — A Python wrapper for the Discord API
- — A Python wrapper for the Discord API
- nextcord-unaliased — A Python wrapper for the Discord API forked from without the discord alias
- novus — A Python wrapper for the Discord API
- — An async API wrapper for Octra bot API in Python
- OneCord — A Python wrapper for the Discord API Mainly Used By OneCord
- opredflag — A script which automatically updates OPRF standard asset files from the OpRedFlag repository
- pieuvre — Simple Workflow Engine Library
- ProjectSetup — describe your project
- py-cord — A Python wrapper for the Discord API
- py-cord-dev — A Python wrapper for the Discord API
- pycallrail — An unofficial Python wrapper for the CallRail API
- pycarbonsh — The Asynchronous web-scraper for which helps to create and share beautiful pics of your code!
- pycyat — A Python wrapper for the Discord API
- pydbots — A Python wrapper for the Discord API
- pygon — A Python wrapper for the pygon API
- pylint-report — Generates an html report summarizing the results of pylint.
- pymyku — Python MyKU API Wrapper
- pyrez — An open-source wrapper for Hi-Rez Studios API (Paladins, Realm Royale, and Smite), written in Python.
- pyrezfix — An open-source wrapper for Hi-Rez Studios API (Paladins, Realm Royale, and Smite), written in Python.
- pyswarms — A Python-based Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) library.
- python-discord — A Python wrapper for the Discord API
- pytmc — Generate Epics DB records from TwinCAT .tmc files
- pytrodactyl — An API Wrapper for the Pterodactyl Panel.
- pyvolt-re — A Python wrapper for the Revolt API
- — QQ 频道 API 的 Python Wrapper
- — A Python wrapper for the Discord API
- — This is a wrapper for the Researchmap API.
- rud — python cli and async library to selectively download a reddit user's posts
- sanstylex — Dive into Python.
- sanstylex-demo — Dive into Python.
- scdna-replication-tools — Code for analyzing single-cell replication dynamics
- serpyco-d7 — Fast serialization of dataclasses using Cython
- shakecast-aebm — Potential impact calculation for well defined facilities due to an input earthquake hazard
- sir-bot-a-lot — The good Sir Bot-a-lot. An asynchronous python bot framework.
- sirbot.plugins — Plugins for the good Sir Bot-a-lot
- smrf-dev — Distributed snow modeling for water resources
- sparselandtools — A package for sparse representations and dictionary learning
- sphinx — Python documentation generator