Reverse Dependencies of sphinxcontrib-spelling
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinxcontrib-spelling:
- matscipy — Generic Python Materials Science tools
- memorybuffer — Python buffer protocol.
- metricq-sink-nsca — no summary
- moscot — Multi-omic single-cell optimal transport tools
- mubind — ML for biomolecular binding
- multibeast — no summary
- nameko — A microservices framework for Python that lets service developers concentrate on application logic and encourages testability.
- nbclient — A client library for executing notebooks. Formerly nbconvert's ExecutePreprocessor.
- nbconvert — Converting Jupyter Notebooks (.ipynb files) to other formats. Output formats include asciidoc, html, latex, markdown, pdf, py, rst, script. nbconvert can be used both as a Python library (`import nbconvert`) or as a command line tool (invoked as `jupyter nbconvert ...`).
- nbformat — The Jupyter Notebook format
- nornir-salt — Nornir plugins used with SaltStack Salt-Nornir Proxy Minion
- nose2unitth — Convert nose-style test reports to UnitTH-style test reports
- notebook — Jupyter Notebook - A web-based notebook environment for interactive computing
- obj-tables — Tools for creating and reusing high-quality spreadsheets
- ocean-jupyter-server — The backend—i.e. core services, APIs, and REST endpoints—to Jupyter web applications.
- oct2py — 'Python to GNU Octave bridge --> run m-files from python.'
- oms-saltext-vmware — Salt Extension Modules for VMware
- openlake — Public dataset feed.
- openschema — Programmatic catalog of public dataset schemas.
- ott-jax — Optimal Transport Tools in JAX
- pano-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- pcap-ct — Python wrapper for the pcap library.
- pkg-about — Shares Python package metadata at runtime.
- pkg-utils — Utilities for linking setuptools with version metadata, README files, requirements files, and restoring overridden entry points
- plasticscm — Python package providing access to the PlasticSCM client API.
- primo-optimizer — PRIMO - The P&A Project Optimizer
- pwsh — Provides API for PowerShell.
- py-chocolatey — API for Chocolatey, the Package Manager for Windows.
- py-fbchat — Facebook Chat (Messenger) for Python
- pyc-wheel — Compile all py files in a wheel to pyc files.
- pydoctor — API doc generator.
- pygpcca — .. |PyPIdownloads| image::
- pytest-helpers-namespace — Pytest Helpers Namespace Plugin
- pytest-jupyter — A pytest plugin for testing Jupyter libraries and extensions.
- pytest-object-getter — Import any object from a 3rd party module while mocking its namespace on demand.
- pytest-requests-futures — Pytest Plugin to Mock Requests Futures
- pytest-run-subprocess — Pytest Plugin for running and testing subprocesses.
- pytest-salt-factories — Pytest Salt Plugin
- pytest-shell-utilities — Pytest plugin to simplify running shell commands against the system
- pytest-skip-markers — Pytest Salt Plugin
- pytest-system-statistics — Pytest plugin to track and report system usage statistics
- python-scalpel — Scalpel: The Python Program Analysis Framework
- python-tools-scripts — Python Tools Scripts
- qbittorrent-api — Python client for qBittorrent v4.1+ Web API.
- QQt — Wrapper for various PySide2/PyQt5 and PySide6/PyQt6 related packages.
- — Unofficial Python async wrapper for the Rankade API
- renumerate — Reverse enumerate.
- requests-mock-flask — Helpers to use requests_mock and responses with a Flask test client.
- rigged-sb3 — Experimental version of SB3
- rstcheck — Checks syntax of reStructuredText and code blocks nested within it
- rstcheck-core — Checks syntax of reStructuredText and code blocks nested within it
- rstcheck-sphinx — Builder for the sphinx documentation generator to check the source with rstcheck.
- rubicon-objc — A bridge between an Objective C runtime environment and Python.
- salt-analytics-framework — Salt Analytics Framework
- salt-nornir — Salt-Nornir Proxy Minion SaltStack Modules
- saltext.acme — Salt Extension for interacting with Certbot
- saltext.apache — Salt Extension for interacting with Apache
- saltext.apcups — Salt Extension for interacting with APC UPS
- saltext.azurerm — Salt Extension for interacting with Microsoft Azure
- saltext.bitwarden — Salt Extension Modules for Bitwarden
- saltext.cassandra — Salt Extension for interacting with Cassandra
- saltext.consul — Salt Extension for interacting with Consul
- saltext.elasticsearch — 'Elasticsearch extension'
- saltext.elasticsearch8 — Module to manage Eleasticsearch8
- saltext-formula — Salt Extension providing supporting modules for formulae
- saltext.freezer — Salt Extension for interacting with Freezer
- saltext.github — Salt Extension for interacting with GitHub
- saltext.grafana — Salt Extension for interacting with Grafana
- saltext.haproxy — Salt Extension for interacting with HAProxy
- saltext.helm — Salt Extension for interacting with Helm
- saltext.influxdb — Salt Extension for interacting with InfluxDB
- saltext.kubernetes — Salt Extension for interacting with Kubernetes
- saltext.mattermost — Salt Extension for interacting with Mattermost
- saltext.mongodb — Salt Extension for interacting with MongoDB
- saltext.mqtt-return — A useful Salt Event returner for publishing messages to MQTT or AWS IoT
- saltext.mysql — Salt Extension for interacting with MySQL
- saltext.namecheap — Salt Extension for interacting with Namecheap
- saltext.nix — Salt Extension for interacting with Nix
- saltext.pagerduty — Salt Extension for interacting with PagerDuty
- saltext.prometheus — Salt Extension for interacting with Prometheus
- saltext.proxmox — Salt Extension for interacting with Proxmox PVE
- saltext.pushover — Salt Extension for interacting with Pushover
- saltext.redis — Salt Extension for interacting with Redis
- saltext.salt-describe — Salt Describe Runner
- — SaltStack extension to handle generic SAP operations
- — SaltStack extension to handle SAPCAR archives
- — SaltStack extension for sapcontrol
- — SaltStack extension for the SAP Host Agent
- — SaltStack extension for SAP NetWeaver licenses
- — SaltStack extension for SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP
- — SaltStack extension for SAP PSE
- — SaltStack extension for the SAP HANA XSA
- saltext.servicenow — Salt Extension for interacting with ServiceNow
- saltext.snap — Salt Extension for interacting with Snap
- saltext.splunk — Salt Extension for interacting with Splunk
- saltext.stalekey — Salt engine that detects inactive minions and removes their keys
- saltext.telegram — Salt Extension for interacting with Telegram
- saltext.tsl — TSL - The State Library Module
- saltext.vault — Salt Extension for interacting with Vault
- saltext.vmware — Salt Extension Modules for VMware