Reverse Dependencies of sphinxcontrib-programoutput
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinxcontrib-programoutput:
- muse-psfr — MUSE WFM-AO PSF reconstruction from SPARTA
- Neodroid — Python interface for the Neodroid platform, an API for communicating with a Unity Game process for a feedback response loop
- NeodroidAgent — Reinforcement learning agent implementations, intended for use with the Neodroid platform
- NeodroidVision — Computer Vision algorithm implementations, intended for use with the Neodroid platform
- neurotic — Curate, visualize, annotate, and share your behavioral ephys data using Python
- nti.mailer — Integrates pyramid_mailer and repoze.sendmail with Amazon SES.
- nublast — MY DESCRIPTION
- nuitrcs-example — NUITRCS GitHub Actions Workshop
- oceanum — Library for services
- ogstools — A collection of Python tools aimed at evolving into a modeling toolchain around OpenGeoSys.
- packetraven — Telemetry dashboard for APRS packets from TNC,, and PostGIS
- pesummary — Python package to produce summary pages for Parameter estimation codes
- posebusters — PoseBusters: Plausibility checks for generated molecule poses.
- POSPairWordEmbeddings — POSPair Word Embeddings- Python framework for fast Vector Space Modelling
- posydon — POSYDON Stellar Evolution Package
- Procpath — Procpath is a process tree analysis workbench
- ps2ff — Approximated rupture distances from point source
- py-cryptonight — Python Cryptonight
- Py-Rate — A Python tool for estimating velocity and cumulative displacement time-series from Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) data.
- py-trezor-crypto-ph4 — Trezor-crypto python binding
- pyaud-plugins — Plugin package for Pyaud
- pyDischarge — A python package for gravitational-wave astrophysics
- pyinstrument — Call stack profiler for Python. Shows you why your code is slow!
- pyomicron — Python utilities and wrappers for GW Omicron
- pyopenrivercam — pyorc: free and open-source image-based surface velocity and discharge.
- pyrser — Pyrser a pragmatic PEG parsing tool
- pyscope — A python package for controlling small optical telescopes
- pytest-memray — A simple plugin to use with pytest
- python-kasa — Python API for TP-Link Kasa and Tapo devices
- python-swidget — Python API for Swidget smart devices
- pytuber — Manage youtube music playlists
- pywhereisrunning — ('Where python script is running',)
- qeh — Quantum Electrostatic Heterostructure Model
- rassine — RASSINE astronomy tool
- RelStorage — A backend for ZODB that stores pickles in a relational database.
- salamanca — Provides access to and operations on commonly used socio-economic indicators
- scimma-client — A client library for SCiMMA
- sphinx-compendia — A simple API for creating Sphinx domains and structuring arbitrary collections.
- sphinx-gherkin — A Sphinx extension for documenting Gherkin features.
- sphinx-needs — Sphinx needs extension for managing needs/requirements and specifications
- sphinx-needs-enterprise — no summary
- sphinx-terraform — A Sphinx extension for documenting Terraform modules.
- sphinx-terraform-ch — A fork of a Sphinx extension for documenting Terraform modules.
- sphinxcontrib-terraform — A Sphinx extension for documenting Terraform modules.
- sqltrack — SQL-based experiment tracking
- stac-generator — Framework to provide plugin architecture to allow the scanning of assets to extract metadata and facets.
- stepcount — Step counter for wrist-worn accelerometers compatible with the UK Biobank Accelerometer Dataset
- Stork — Update libraries on Databricks
- subliminal — Subtitles, faster than your thoughts
- thepipe — A lightweight, general purpose pipeline framework.
- transmute-core — a utility library to help provide api route generation form function signature for web frameworks.
- Trolls — Hidden monsters
- uncover-ml — Machine learning tools for the Geoscience Australia uncover project
- vasptools — tool collection for parsing vasp inputs & outputs
- vault-cli — CLI tool for hashicorp vault
- Volume — Volume Compression and Rendering implementations
- Warg — A package for easing return of multiple values
- wellmap — File format for 96-well plate layouts.
- xdem — Analysis of digital elevation models (DEMs)
- xsocs — Xray Strain Orientation Calculation Software
- ZConfig — Structured Configuration Library
- zero — Linear circuit simulator
- — API Documentation and Component Inspection for Zope 3
- zope.sendmail — Zope sendmail
- zope.testrunner — Zope testrunner script.