Reverse Dependencies of sphinxcontrib-jquery
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinxcontrib-jquery:
- Adafruit-Blinka-Raspberry-Pi5-Neopixel — Control NeoPixel & compatibles on a Pi 5
- Adafruit-Blinka-Raspberry-Pi5-Piomatter — HUB75 matrix driver for Raspberry Pi 5 using PIO
- Adafruit-Blinka-Raspberry-Pi5-rp1pio — Control the PIO peripheral on a Raspberry Pi 5
- ads-async — Python TwinCAT ADS async tools
- ansys-pyensight-core — A python wrapper for Ansys EnSight
- atef — Python Automated Test Execution Framework
- atmst — A Python library for wrangling atproto-flavoured Merkle Search Trees
- autopc — An image recognition framework running on a computer
- big-graph-dataset — A collection of graph datasets in torch_geometric format.
- blark — Beckhoff TwinCAT IEC 61131-3 parsing tools
- c7n-sphinxext — Cloud Custodian - Sphinx Extensions
- camb — Code for Anisotropies in the Microwave Background
- canonical-sphinx — no summary
- CelluKeyGA — A Python library that integrates **Cellular Genetic Algorithm (Cellular GA)** with **Biased Random-Key Genetic Algorithm (BRKGA)** to enhance optimization capabilities.
- coeus-sphinx-theme — A Sphinx Documentation Theme.
- craft-store — Store bindings for Snaps and Charms
- crhc-cli — This project contains the crhc command line tool that simplifies the use of the C.RH.C API available at
- cvxpy — A domain-specific language for modeling convex optimization problems in Python.
- cvxpy-base — A domain-specific language for modeling convex optimization problems in Python.
- dev-install — Dev is AI pair programming in your terminal
- documenteer — Rubin Observatory / LSST Sphinx documentation tools, extensions, and configurations.
- domdf-sphinx-theme — Customised 'sphinx_rtd_theme' used by my Python projects.
- donpeterlibs — An id generator that generated various types and lengths ids
- dotcat — Cat structured data , in style
- emoji-country-flag — En/Decode unicode country flags emoji
- — "Sphinx docs builder used in Envoy proxy's CI"
- epicsmacrolib — epics-base compliant macro tools
- epicure-utils — A common utils Python library. Don't write that one little function again!
- friday-agent — An self-improving embodied conversational agent seamlessly integrated into the operating system to automate our daily tasks.
- fusilli — Comparing multi-modal data fusion methods. Don't be silly, use Fusilli!
- geotify — geotify
- gofigr — GoFigr client library
- GPS-mapping — Genetics-informed pathogenic spatial mapping
- grpc4bmi — Run your BMI implementation in a separate process and expose it as BMI-python with GRPC
- gsMap — Genetics-informed pathogenic spatial mapping
- hanzo-dev — Dev is AI pair programming in your terminal
- hanzo-developer — Dev is AI pair programming in your terminal
- happi — Happi Database Access for LCLS Beamline Devices
- hutch-python — Launcher and Config Reader for LCLS Interactive IPython Sessions
- hxrsnd — Python controls suite for HXRSnD
- iLCDirac — iLCDirac is the iLC/CLIC/FCC extension of DIRAC
- impresso-commons — Python module highly reusable within impresso.
- kentigern — A modern-looking Sphinx theme
- kivy — An open-source Python framework for developing GUI apps that work cross-platform, including desktop, mobile and embedded platforms.
- konfuzio-sdk — Konfuzio Software Development Kit
- lcls-krtc — A small utility class for using Kerberos authentication with Python requests
- lcls-naming-tool — A tool that checks the form and content of names with respect to the LCLS naming convention.
- LeBot — A Multi-Purpose Discord Bot
- lemur — Certificate management and orchestration service
- lightpath — {{ cookiecutter.description }}
- ljdv384ytwg7w3y — AI software engineer
- llmcode-chat — Llmcode is AI pair programming in your terminal
- mbtask — Mindbox test task
- mlx.traceability — Sphinx traceability extension (Melexis fork)
- my-minpy-pkg — My first python package
- nabs — NABS: Not a beamline scientist. Beamline automatation that should be handled by code, not by people.
- naturf — The Neighborhood Adaptive Tissues for Urban Resilience Futures tool (NATURF) is a Python workflow that generates data readable by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The NATURF Python modules use shapefiles containing building footprint and height data as input to calculate 132 building parameters at any resolution and converts the parameters into a binary file format.
- nvflare — Federated Learning Application Runtime Environment
- nvflare-light — Federated Learning Application Runtime Environment
- ops — The Python library behind great charms
- os-copilot — An self-improving embodied conversational agents seamlessly integrated into the operating system to automate our daily tasks.
- pcdscalc — PCDS Calculation Routines
- pcdsdaq — DAQ Control Interface
- pcdsdevices — Ophyd Device definitions for LCLS Beamline components
- pcdsutils — PCDS Python Utilities
- pcdswidgets — LCLS PyDM Widget Library
- pharaoh-report — Pharaoh is a Sphinx-based Python framework for generating reports in various formats by combining the power of configurable Jinja templates and Python scripts for asset generation.
- pinder — PINDER: The Protein INteraction Dataset and Evaluation Resource
- psdm-qs-cli — Python client for interacting with the PCDS questionnaire.
- pycellga — A Python Package for Improved Cellular Genetic Algorithms
- pydicom — A pure Python package for reading and writing DICOM data
- pyglotaran-extras — Supplementary package for pyglotaran with (example) plotting code.
- pySPFM — A python package for Paradigm Free Mapping (3dPFM and 3dMEPFM).
- pyvss — ITS Private Cloud Python Client
- qtpynodeeditor — Python Qt node editor
- qupled — qupled: a package to investigate quantum plasmas via the dielectric formalism
- qupled-test — qupled: a package to investigate quantum plasmas via the dielectric formalism
- realsense-copilot — RealSense Copilot is AI programming for Intel RealSense cameras in your terminal
- remix.framework — REMix energy system optimization framework
- RiboSeq-DP-Tools — A python command-line utility for working with RiboSeq.Orgs Data Portal
- robosapiensIO — robosapiensIO - your gateway to trustworthy self-adaptive robotics.
- robot-chat — RobotChat is AI robotics programming in your terminal
- scProject — Transfer learning framework for single cell gene expression analysis in Python
- simple-rule34 — Simple api wrapper of for python with asynchronous support
- simpml — SimpML is an open-source, no/low-code machine learning library in Python that simplifies and automates machine learning workflows.
- socialED — A Python Library for Social Event Detection
- sphinx-astropy — Sphinx extensions and configuration specific to the Astropy project
- sphinx-datatables — Searchable and sortable tables in Sphinx documentation
- sphinx-hoverxref — Sphinx extension to show tooltips with content embedded when hover a reference.
- sphinx-idf-theme — IDF theme for Sphinx, based on Read The Docs theme
- sphinx-needs — Sphinx needs extension for managing needs/requirements and specifications
- sphinx-rtd-theme — Read the Docs theme for Sphinx
- spikeinterface — Python toolkit for analysis, visualization, and comparison of spike sorting output
- strauss — Sonification Tools and Resources for Astronomers Using Sound Synthesis
- syne-tune — Distributed Hyperparameter Optimization on SageMaker
- tecton-client — A Python Client for the Tecton FeatureService API
- tokenpdf — Generate printable PDF files for tabletop RPG tokens and maps
- torchmate — Torchmate: A High level PyTorch Training Library
- transfocate — Automated Calculation of Transfocator Focusing Optics
- trojanzoo-sphinx-theme — TrojanZoo Sphinx Theme