Reverse Dependencies of sphinxcontrib_github_alt
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinxcontrib_github_alt:
- dflit — A simple packaging tool for simple packages.
- EXtra-data — Tools to read and analyse data from European XFEL
- EXtra-geom — Tools to work with EuXFEL detector geometry and assemble detector images
- flit — A simple packaging tool for simple packages.
- flot — Flot is a simple tool to easily build multiple packages (wheel and sdist) from a single repo without having to create a subdir or another repo for each package, and by simply listing which files to include.
- freva — Free Evaluation and Analysis Framework (Freva)
- gateway-provisioners — Gateway Provisioners - a package containing kernel provisioners supporting the deployment of remote and resource-managed kernels.
- ipykernel — IPython Kernel for Jupyter
- jupyter-client — Jupyter protocol implementation and client libraries
- jupyter-core — Jupyter core package. A base package on which Jupyter projects rely.
- jupyter_server — The backend—i.e. core services, APIs, and REST endpoints—to Jupyter web applications.
- jupyter-server-terminals — A Jupyter Server Extension Providing Terminals.
- karabo-data — Tools to read and analyse data from European XFEL
- kise-gateway-provisioners — Gateway Provisioners - a package containing kernel provisioners supporting the deployment of remote and resource-managed kernels.
- nbclassic — Jupyter Notebook as a Jupyter Server extension.
- nbformat — The Jupyter Notebook format
- notebook — Jupyter Notebook - A web-based notebook environment for interactive computing
- ocean-jupyter-server — The backend—i.e. core services, APIs, and REST endpoints—to Jupyter web applications.
- pvfactors — 2D View Factor Model to calculate the irradiance incident on various surfaces of PV arrays
- solarfactors — 2D View Factor Model to calculate the irradiance incident on various surfaces of PV arrays
- tintx — Tracking facility to track rainfall and other non-continous data.