Reverse Dependencies of sphinxcontrib-applehelp
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinxcontrib-applehelp:
- Organisms — This program is designed to perform a genetic algorithm global optimisation for nanoclusters.
- orion-ml — Orion is a machine learning library built for unsupervised time series anomaly detection.
- os-copilot — An self-improving embodied conversational agents seamlessly integrated into the operating system to automate our daily tasks.
- osipi — The authorative python package for perfusion MRI
- parsnip-cif — Minimal library for parsing CIF & mmCIF files in Python.
- pds.registry-moppers — Ignore this package
- pds.registry-sweepers — A set of utility scripts which transform/augment PDS registry metadata to support additional capabilities.
- pinder — PINDER: The Protein INteraction Dataset and Evaluation Resource
- promptflow-gui — Create flowcharts to control LLMs
- punctuation-stylometry — This package represents the code used for the publication of the article
- pycellga — A Python Package for Improved Cellular Genetic Algorithms
- pylips — An interface for embodied conversational interaction.
- pymilvus-orm — Python ORM Sdk for Milvus(>= 2.0)
- pymob — Modelling platform for Python
- quartic-sdk — QuarticSDK is the SDK package which exposes the APIs to the user
- quartic-sdk-gsk — QuarticSDK is the SDK package which exposes the APIs to the user
- qupled — qupled: a package to investigate quantum plasmas via the dielectric formalism
- qupled-test — qupled: a package to investigate quantum plasmas via the dielectric formalism
- reahl-doc — Documentation and examples for Reahl.
- realsense-copilot — RealSense Copilot is AI programming for Intel RealSense cameras in your terminal
- Red-DiscordBot — A highly customisable Discord bot
- reprox — Reprocessing for XENONnT
- RiboSeq-DP-Tools — A python command-line utility for working with RiboSeq.Orgs Data Portal
- ribs — A bare-bones Python library for quality diversity optimization.
- robosapiensIO — robosapiensIO - your gateway to trustworthy self-adaptive robotics.
- robot-chat — RobotChat is AI robotics programming in your terminal
- salt-nornir — Salt-Nornir Proxy Minion SaltStack Modules
- sausage-bot — A highly customisable Discord bot
- sausage-bot-dev — A highly customisable Discord bot
- scifit — Scientific Fit for Python
- scProject — Transfer learning framework for single cell gene expression analysis in Python
- self-stats — Process Google Takeout data and visualize it using Dash.
- self-stats-app — Process Google Takeout data and visualize it using Dash.
- sentivi — A simple tool for Vietnamese Sentiment Analysis
- shapash — Shapash is a Python library which aims to make machine learning interpretable and understandable by everyone.
- shapelets-platform — Data Scientist platform
- shapelets-rec-client — Shapelets REC Client Library
- short-poetry — no summary
- sigllm — LLMs for unsupervised time series anomaly detection
- sigpro — Signal Processing Tools for Machine Learning
- simple-rule34 — Simple api wrapper of for python with asynchronous support
- skoots — SKeletOn ObjecT Segmentation (SKOOTS)
- sliceguard — A library for detecting critical data slices in structured and unstructured data based on features, metadata and model predictions.
- socialED — A Python Library for Social Event Detection
- sparselandtools — A package for sparse representations and dictionary learning
- speechmatching — Matching short audio segments of speech with each other.
- sphinx — Python documentation generator
- sphinx-external-toc-strict — A sphinx extension that allows the site-map to be defined in a single YAML file.
- sphinx-genai-search — no summary
- sphinx-genai-summaries — no summary
- steelcut-oauth — A package for creating a client credentials oAuth2.0 workflow.
- streetviewdownloader — A Python library and utility to download Google StreetView images
- surrortg — surrortg
- tasks-collector — A small project for collecting tasks
- TCutility — Utility package for working with AMS/ADF within the Theoretical Chemistry group at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (TheoCheM). Makes use of plams - a package developed by SCM
- tecton-client — A Python Client for the Tecton FeatureService API
- tensorkrowch — Tensor Networks with PyTorch
- tesla-ce — TeSLA CE
- timew — Python interface to your timewarrior database
- tokenpdf — Generate printable PDF files for tabletop RPG tokens and maps
- — A Python wrapper for the Discord API
- torchmate — Torchmate: A High level PyTorch Training Library
- traffic-guardian — Dynamically managed proxy server to intercept and mock responses for HTTP traffic
- ttp — Template Text Parser
- ultrack — Large-scale multi-hypotheses cell tracking
- unique-project-test-behmah — no summary
- valalgn — ValAlgn: Value Alignment
- vitessce — Jupyter widget facilitating interactive visualization of spatial single-cell data with Vitessce
- vk-url-scraper — Scrape VK URLs to fetch info and media - python API or command line tool.
- wolf-core — This is a core package for the Wolf project.
- wreck — Manage and fix requirements files for Python package authors
- x2polygons — Distance computation between matching georeferenced polygons
- youchoose — YouChoose is an open source recommendation library built on PyTorch.
- zfit — scalable pythonic model fitting for high energy physics
- zfit-physics — Physics extension to zfit
- zgl-streaming — Streaming lets users create PyTorch compatible datasets that can be streamed from cloud-based object stores