Reverse Dependencies of sphinx
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinx:
- 0x-contract-addresses — Addresses at which the 0x smart contracts have been deployed
- 0x-contract-artifacts — 0x smart contract compilation artifacts
- 0x-contract-wrappers — Python wrappers for 0x smart contracts
- 0x-json-schemas — JSON schemas for 0x applications
- 0x-middlewares — Web3 middlewares for 0x applications
- 0x-order-utils — Order utilities for 0x applications
- 0x-sra-client — Standard Relayer REST API Client
- 0x-web3 —
- 11x-wagtail-blog — 11x Wagtail Blog
- 21cmSense — Compute sensitivies of radio interferometers to the cosmic 21cm signal.
- 3scale-api — 3scale API python client
- 3scale-api-crd — 3scale CRD Python Client
- A-FMM — Python implementation of the Aperiodic-Fourier Modal Method for electromagnetic simulation
- a-python-package — A Python package
- a2ml — A powerful API to Automate Machine Learning workflows from multiple vendors.
- aac — A distinctly different take on Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) that allows a system modeller to define a system in simple yaml.
- aac-gen-gherkin — An AaC plugin that generates Gherkin feature files from model behavior scenarios.
- aac-puml — PlantUML diagram output plugin for AaC (Architecture-as-Code) project
- aac-rest-api — Rest-API Plugin for AaC
- aac-spec — Specification plugin for AaC
- aacgmv2 — A Python wrapper for AACGM-v2 magnetic coordinates
- aaindex — A lightweight Python software package for accessing the data in the various AAIndex databases, which represent the physiochemical, biochemical and structural properties of amino acids as numerical indices.
- aamras — Library for headless browser manipulation
- aaopto-aotf — Python driver for AA OptoElectronics AOTF device.
- aat — Algorithmic trading library
- abagen — A toolbox for working with the Allen Brain Atlas genetic data
- abc_abc_example_repo — A brief description of your package.
- abc-radio-wrapper — API wrapper library for the song history of ABC radio channels
- abc-sphinx-extensions — Sphinx extensions for creating tunebooks with abcfiles
- abcpy — A framework for approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) that speeds up inference by parallelizing computation on single computers or whole clusters.
- abcunit-backend — Backend solution for abcunit success / failure logs
- abcvoting — A Python library of approval-based committee (ABC) rules
- abeja-sdk — ABEJA Platform Software Development Kit
- abeliantensors — Library for Abelian symmetry preserving tensors.
- abexp — Python A/B testing experiment library
- ablog — A Sphinx extension that converts any documentation or personal website project into a full-fledged blog.
- aboleth — Bayesian supervised deep learning with TensorFlow
- aboutcode-toolkit — AboutCode-toolkit is a tool to document the provenance (origin and license) of third-party software using small text files. Collect inventories and generate attribution documentation.
- abqcy — Write Abaqus Subroutines in Python
- abrain — NeuroEvolution in Python backed by C++ computations
- abrechnung — Abrechnung - feature complete payment management and bookkeeping.
- absense — Perform homolog detectability
- AbStochKin — Agent-based Stochastic Kinetics: A method for simulating the dynamics of heterogeneous populations.
- abstract-tracker — Library for creating status tracking library.
- abzer — AcousticBrainz submission tool
- ac-library-python — Python port of AtCoder Library (ACL).
- academic-metrics — A tool to extract and format academic data from Web of Science and Crossref
- accelerator-toolbox — Accelerator Toolbox
- accelerometer — A package to extract meaningful health information from large accelerometer datasets e.g. how much time individuals spend in sleep, sedentary behaviour, walking and moderate intensity physical activity
- access — Calculate spatial accessibility metrics.
- access-jamessaxon — Calculate spatial accessibility metrics.
- accession — Tool to submit genomics pipeline outputs to the ENCODE Portal
- accinv — Python project for inverse modeling of accelerator lattices
- acclimatise — Acclimatise is a Python library and command-line utility for parsing the help output of a command-line tool and then outputting a description of the tool in a more structured format
- acconeer-exptool — Acconeer Exploration Tool
- accsr — Utils for accessing data from anywhere
- acdc-hst — Software to perform an optimized FUV (Far Ultraviolet) dark correction to HST COS data (Hubble Space Telescope Cosmic Origins Spectrograph).
- acdcserver — no summary
- acequia — Python package for reading, writing and analyzinggroundwater head time series.
- acidfs — ACID semantics for the filesystem.
- aclimatise — aCLImatise is a Python library and command-line utility for parsing the help output of a command-line tool and then outputting a description of the tool in a more structured format
- acme — ACME protocol implementation in Python
- acore — A Python package with statistical functions to analyse multimodal molecular data
- acore-conf — Azerothcore WOW *.conf file management.
- acore-constants — AzerothCore World of Warcraft server project constants variables.
- acore-db-app — Azerothcore World of Warcraft Database Application.
- acore-db-ssh-tunnel — Create Database SSH Tunnel for Azerothcore World of Warcraft MySQL Database
- acore-df — Azerothcore DataFrame.
- acore-paths — Azerothcore World of Warcraft Server File / Folder structure definition.
- acore-server — AzerothCore World of Warcraft Logic Server Data Model.
- acore-server-bootstrap — Package short description.
- acore-server-config — Azerothcore World of Warcraft fleet of Servers configuration management.
- acore-server-metadata — Azerothcore WOW server metadata for Fleet management.
- acore-server-monitoring-core — Azerothcore Server monitoring core Python library.
- acore-server-monitoring-measurement — Capture Azerothcore server monitoring measurement data.
- acore-soap — Azerothcore World of Warcraft Soap request and response Python library.
- acore-soap-agent — An agent deployed along with the azerothcore worldserver.
- acore-soap-remote — An SDK for running Azerothcore GM command remotely in batch securely.
- acoular — Python library for acoustic beamforming
- acsets — Access to ACSets through python.
- acstools — Python Tools for HST ACS
- actinet — Activity detection algorithm compatible with the UK Biobank Accelerometer Dataset
- actinia-core — Actinia Core is an open source REST API for scalable, distributed, high performance processing of geographical data that uses mainly GRASS GIS for computational tasks
- ACTIONet — ACTIONet single-cell analysis framework
- actipy — Python package to process wearable accelerometer data
- active-vision — Active learning for computer vision.
- activitypub-utils — Various classes and functions for ActivityPub servers
- ActivityRelay — Generic LitePub relay (works with all LitePub consumers and Mastodon)
- activitystreams2 — An activity streams 2 library
- actk — Automated Cell Toolkit
- ad_sdl.wei — The Rapid Prototyping Laboratory's Workflow Execution Interface.
- Adafruit-Blinka-Raspberry-Pi5-Neopixel — Control NeoPixel & compatibles on a Pi 5
- Adafruit-Blinka-Raspberry-Pi5-Piomatter — HUB75 matrix driver for Raspberry Pi 5 using PIO
- Adafruit-Blinka-Raspberry-Pi5-rp1pio — Control the PIO peripheral on a Raspberry Pi 5
- adamatics-keycloak — adamatics-keycloak is a Python package providing access to the Keycloak API, forked from the python-keycloak package.
- — Official wrapper around Adapt's API for Python.
- adaptable — no summary
- adaptavist — python package providing functionality for Jira Test Management (tm4j)
- adaptavist-fixed — python package providing functionality for Jira Test Management (tm4j)
- adapter-transformers — A friendly fork of HuggingFace's Transformers, adding Adapters to PyTorch language models