Reverse Dependencies of sphinx-togglebutton
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinx-togglebutton:
- aiida-hubbard — AiiDA plugin for the first-principles calculation of Hubbard parameters.
- aiida-phonopy — The official AiiDA plugin for Phonopy
- aiida-vasp — AiiDA plugin for running VASP calculations and workflows.
- aiida-vibroscopy — AiiDA plugin for vibrational spectoscopy using Quantum ESPRESSO.
- bertrand — (in development) Type-safe language bindings for Python/C++
- binette — Binette: accurate binning refinement tool to constructs high quality MAGs.
- cappr — Completion After Prompt Probability. Make your LLM make a choice
- ccres-disdrometer-processing — CCRES code to convert data
- cebra — Consistent Embeddings of high-dimensional Recordings using Auxiliary variables
- chemparseplot — Parsers and plotting tools for computational chemistry
- co3 — Lightweight Python ORM for hierarchical storage management
- cogsworth — A framework for performing self-consistent population synthesis and orbital integration
- compiam — Common tools for the computational analysis of Indian Art Music.
- conspiracies — Discover and examine conspiracies using natural language processing
- convlib — Conversion library (pre-alpha)
- coopgt — A library for the study of cooperative game theory.
- crate-docs-theme — CrateDB Documentation Theme
- CurviRiver — Generate curvilinear mesh from river outline polygons
- dacy — A Danish pipeline trained in SpaCy that has achieved State-of-the-Art performance on all dependency parsing, NER and POS-tagging for Danish
- dantro — Handle, transform, and visualize hierarchically structured data
- dask-regionprops — Compute region properties using dask delayed and dataframe
- data-safe-haven — An open-source framework for creating secure environments to analyse sensitive data.
- deephyper — Massively Parallel Hyperparameter Optimization for Machine Learning
- earth2studio — Open-source deep-learning framework for exploring, building and deploying AI weather/climate workflows.
- emd — Empirical Mode Decomposition
- ENGR131-2024 — ENGR131_2024 package
- eopf — Earth Observation Platform Core Python Modules
- evermore — Differentiable (binned) likelihoods in JAX.
- ewoksorange — Orange binding for Ewoks
- execlib — Lightweight multi-threaded job framework
- fmu.dataio — Facilitate data io in FMU with rich metadata
- frametree — Frametree: a framework for analysing datasets stored in trees of file objects "in-place"
- freva-deployment — Deployment of the Free Evaluation Framework Freva
- geovista — Cartographic rendering and mesh analytics powered by PyVista
- grid3d-maps — Make HC thickness, avg maps, etc directly from 3D props
- grill — Pipeline tools for (but not limited to) audiovisual projects.
- grill-names — Name objects for digital content creation.
- gunpowder — A library to facilitate machine learning on large, multi-dimensional images.
- heifetslab-unravel — UNRAVEL: UN-biased high-Resolution Analysis and Validation of Ensembles using Light sheet images
- ideolog — Ideolog (pre-alpha)
- ipympl — Matplotlib Jupyter Extension
- jumbo — A psycopg2 PostgreSQL wrapper for data science
- jupyter_book — Build a book with Jupyter Notebooks and Sphinx.
- lbm-caiman-python — Light Beads Microscopy 2P Calcium Imaging Pipeline.
- lcviz — A Jdaviz-based light curve analysis and visualization tool
- lightning-flash — Your PyTorch AI Factory - Flash enables you to easily configure and run complex AI recipes.
- lightning-uq-box — Lightning-UQ-Box: A toolbox for uncertainty quantification in deep learning
- mda-simulator — mda simulator
- MDit — no summary
- medmodels — Limebit Medmodels Package
- mirdata — Common loaders for MIR datasets.
- MiV-OS — Python software for analysis and computing framework used in MiV project.
- mloq_template — Automate project creation following ML best practices.
- molflux — A foundational package for molecular predictive modelling
- motile — Multi-Object Tracker using Integer Linear Equations
- mpl-draggable-line — Draggable Line Widget for matplotlib
- mpl-image-labeller — Use interactive matplotlib to label images for classification
- mpl-interactions — Matplotlib aware interact functions
- mpl-pan-zoom — Panning and zooming with the mouse for matplotlib
- myst-docutils — An extended [CommonMark]( compliant parser,
- myst-parser — An extended [CommonMark]( compliant parser,
- naming — Object-oriented names for the digital era.
- nashpy — A library with algorithms on 2 player games.
- nemos — NEural MOdelS, a statistical modeling framework for neuroscience.
- neurolog — Neurolog (pre-alpha)
- nibabies — Processing workflows for magnetic resonance images of the brain in infants
- nipoppy — Standardized organization and processing of neuroimaging-clinical datasets
- nvidia-modelopt — Nvidia TensorRT Model Optimizer: a unified model optimization and deployment toolkit.
- objectlib — Object serialization and streaming utilities
- obsplotlib — Plotting Tools for waveforms from Obspy
- ontolog — Ontolog indexer (pre-alpha)
- oqs-licensing — Licensing module of Orange Quantum Systems
- orquestra-sdk — Compose Orquestra workflows using a Python DSL
- ParamSpace — Dictionary-based, multi-dimensional parameter space iteration
- patcherctl — Fetch patch management data from Jamf Pro to generate comprehensive reports in both Excel and PDF formats
- physicsml — A package for all physics based/related models
- pipefunc — A Python library for defining, managing, and executing function pipelines.
- pipeline2app — Pipeline2App: a tool for quickly turning pipelines into containerised applications (e.g. BIDS Apps or XNAT pipelines)
- plangym — Plangym is an interface to use gymnasium for planning problems. It extends the standard interface to allow setting and recovering the environment states.
- polarimetry-lc2pkpi — Symbolic expressions that describe an aligned polarimeter vector field
- pychumpchem — Input file generators for computational chemistry
- pycotech — Tools and wrappers to interface with PT-104 PicoLogĀ® Data Loggers and files.
- pydata-sphinx-theme — Bootstrap-based Sphinx theme from the PyData community
- PyOPIA — A Python Ocean Particle Image Analysis toolbox.
- pyos-sphinx-theme — PyOS Documentation Theme.
- pystatpower — A Power Analysis Toolkit for Python
- pytaser — TAS prediction tool
- pytorch-benchmark — Easily benchmark PyTorch model FLOPs, latency, throughput, max allocated memory and energy consumption in one go.
- pyxu — Modular and scalable computational imaging in Python with support for GPU/out-of-core computing.
- quantecon-book-theme — A clean book theme for scientific explanations and documentation with Sphinx
- quantify-core — Quantify-core is a unified quantum computing, solid-state and pulse sequencing physical experimentation framework.
- quantify-scheduler — Quantify-scheduler is a Python package for writing quantum programs featuring a hybrid gate-pulse control model with explicit timing control.
- quantify-zurich-instruments — Zurich Instruments backend for Quantify.
- randextract — A reference implementation for testing & validating Privacy Amplification algorithms
- rdagent — Research & Development Agent
- rgpycrumbs — Input file generators for computational chemistry
- ride — Training wheels, side rails, and helicopter parent for your Deep Learning projects using Pytorch
- saltext.vault — Salt Extension for interacting with Vault
- sentineltoolbox — no summary
- seqinf — Sequential inference abstractions