Reverse Dependencies of sphinx-remove-toctrees
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinx-remove-toctrees:
- alfred3 — A library for rapid development of dynamic and interactive online experiments in the social sciences.
- baselooper — Run stuff in loops
- byte-triggers — Provides byte (0 to 255) triggers on serial/parallel ports and on LSL streams.
- chemtrain — Machine-learning deep molecular dynamics potentials.
- dbdicom — Reading and writing DICOM databases
- deepmd-kit — A deep learning package for many-body potential energy representation and molecular dynamics
- ehrapy — Electronic Health Record Analysis with Python.
- geomancy — Geomancy validates deployment and development environments
- gwkokab — A JAX-based gravitational-wave population inference
- liesel — A probabilistic programming framework with a focus on semi-parametric regression
- macrosynergy — Macrosynergy Quant Research Package
- meerkat-ml — Meerkat is building new data abstractions to make machine learning easier.
- mllooper — Primitives for machine learning pipelines
- Monochrome — Viewer for monochromatic video data
- njx — NJX is a library for morphologically and bio-physically detailed neuron simulations in JAX.
- opticalmapping — A toolbox for analyzing optical mapping and fluorescence imaging data.
- osipi — The authorative python package for perfusion MRI
- pertpy — Perturbation Analysis in the scverse ecosystem.
- radius-clustering — A Clustering under radius constraints algorithm using minimum dominating sets
- scikit-plots — An intuitive library to add plotting functionality to scikit-learn objects.
- scvega — VEGA: a VAE Enhanced by Gene Annotations for interpretable scRNA-seq deep learning
- shapely — Manipulation and analysis of geometric objects
- spateo-release — Spateo: multidimensional spatiotemporal modeling of single-cell spatial transcriptomics
- sphinx-compas2-theme — COMPAS 2 Theme for Sphinx
- splineops — Spline signal processing in N-D with support for GPU computing.
- stratmc — Bayesian statistical framework for reconstructing past Earth system change from the stratigraphic record
- stravalib — A Python package that makes it easy to access and download data from the Strava V3 REST API.
- wezel — Prototyping medical imaging applications
- yaloader — A package loading class configurations from yaml files