Reverse Dependencies of sphinx-math-dollar
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinx-math-dollar:
- array-api-stubs — Stubs for the array API standard
- cgm — Causal Graphical Models
- comando — A next-generation modeling framework for component-oriented modeling and optimization for nonlinear design and operation of integrated energy systems
- cosmoplotian — cosmoplotian is for plotting
- d-geolib-plus — GEOLib+ components
- DEERPREdict — A package for DEER and PRE predictions based on molecular dynamics ensembles. Can be installed with pip.
- detkit — Matrix determinant toolkit
- devinterp — A library for doing research on developmental interpretability
- diffaaable — JAX-differentiable AAA algorithm
- dingo-gw — Deep inference for gravitational-wave observations
- dynamax — Dynamic State Space Models in JAX.
- fiscalsim-us — FiscalSim federal and state individual tax and benefit system for the US
- FRETpredict — A package for FRET Efficiency prediction of protein structures and trajectories, based on the Rotamer Library Approach (RLA). Can be installed with pip.
- gaussian-proc — Gaussian process regression
- glearn — Gaussian Process for Machine Learning
- hfhd — hfhd is an accelerated Python library for estimating (integrated) covariance matrices with high frequency data in high dimensions.
- imate — Implicit Matrix Trace Estimator. Computes the trace of functions of implicit matrices. Accelerated on CPU and CUDA-capable GPU devices.
- jaxley — Differentiable neuron simulations.
- leaderbot — Leaderboard for chatbots
- macromol_voxelize — Create 3D images from atomic coordinates
- mesmer — mesmer sees through foregrounds
- natural-units — uncertainty quantification for numerical computations
- ndslib — Utility functions for Neuroimaging and Data Science
- nmma — A nuclear physics multi-messenger Bayesian inference library
- numcertainties — uncertainty quantification for numerical computations
- ortho — Generate orthogonal set of functions
- phasespace — TensorFlow implementation of the Raubold and Lynch method for n-body events
- policyengine-canada — Microsimulation model for Canada's tax-benefit system.
- PolicyEngine-Core — Core microsimulation engine enabling country-specific policy models.
- policyengine-il — Core microsimulation engine enabling country-specific policy models.
- policyengine-italy — Microsimulation model for Italy's tax-benefit system.
- policyengine-ng — Core microsimulation engine enabling country-specific policy models.
- PolicyEngine-UK — PolicyEngine tax and benefit system for the UK
- profit — Probabilistic response model fitting with interactive tools
- pyqbench — Library for benchmarking gate computers
- pysm3 — "PySM generates full-sky simulations of Galactic emissions in intensity and polarization"
- qalgebra — Python package for symbolic quantum algebra
- qgym — Reinforcement Learning Gym for Quantum Compilation
- rational-rc — Rational RC is a practical life cycle deterioration modeling framework. It utilizes field survey data and provides probabilistic predictions of RC structure deterioration through different stages of the service life cycle. It covers various deterioration mechanisms such as membrane deterioration, concrete carbonation and chloride penetration, corrosion, and cracking.
- restoreio — Reconstruct incomplete oceanographic dataset
- rlberry — An easy-to-use reinforcement learning library for research and education
- setuptools-cuda — Setuptools plugin for compiling CUDA-enable extension modules
- sphinx-charts — Interactive charts, graphs and figures for Sphinx HTML docs.
- sphinx-tutorials — Tools for docs in Python
- survey-enhance — no summary
- tno.quantum.communication.qkd-key-rate — Quantum communication key-rate modules
- — Quantum VC module
- — Machine Learning Datasets module
- torchgfn — A torch implementation of GFlowNets
- vector — Vector classes and utilities