Reverse Dependencies of sphinx-material
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinx-material:
- actinia-python-client — Python client library for actinia requests.
- aioaccount — Utility for user account creation.
- aioquery — Asynchronous source A2S.
- aleksis-builddeps — AlekSIS (School Information System) — Build/Dev dependencies for apps
- apinator — Library for building type-checked bindings to external REST APIs
- array-api-stubs — Stubs for the array API standard
- assembled — Efficiently Benchmarking Ensembles in AutoML
- audio-metadata — A library for reading and, in the future, writing metadata from audio files.
- axiomic — Primitives for Genreative AI.
- backblaze — Wrapper for Backblaze
- biobss — A biological signal processing and feature extraction library.
- celerite2 — Fast and scalable Gaussian Processes in 1D
- datasynth — Synthetic data for your app.
- dathost — Asynchronous / Synchronous dathost API wrapper.
- deepair — PyTorch implementations of Deep reinforcement learning algorithms.
- emm — Entity Matching Model package
- fastiot — FastIoT Platform
- Flask-Unchained — The quickest and easiest way to build large web apps and APIs with Flask and SQLAlchemy
- foliage — Foliage: a tool to do bulk changes in FOLIO using the OKAPI API
- galileo-cli — no summary
- galileo-sdk — no summary
- google-music — A Google Music API wrapper.
- google-music-proto — Sans-I/O wrapper of Google Music API calls.
- google-music-scripts — A CLI utility for interacting with Google Music.
- google-music-utils — A set of utility functionality for google-music and related projects.
- gytrash — A python logging library with plugin integrations.
- hermesbaby — The Software and Systems Engineers' Typewriter
- hostfactory — Symphony k8s deployment tools
- ietfparse — Parse formats defined in IETF RFCs
- incawrapper — General Repository for Omics Data Handling tools
- jssphinx — Improve developer experience
- kubejobs — A Python library for creating and running Kubernetes Jobs
- metaheuristic-designer — A python package to desing metaheuristic optimization algorithms from components.
- ml-research — Implementation of Machine Learning algorithms, experiments and utilities.
- napari-graph — Fast editable graphs in Python and numba
- nncli — NextCloud Notes Command Line Interface
- OBRequests — Modern typed requests for Python 3 built on-top of HTTPX
- proxycheck — Wrapper for Proxycheck
- pylips — An interface for embodied conversational interaction.
- pyMOR — Library for building model order reduction applications with Python
- PyZEAL — Python successor to the ZEAL package calculating zeros of holomorphic functions.
- PyZeta — Numerical project all about (dynamical) zeta functions and resonances.
- redmail — Email sending library
- ribs — A bare-bones Python library for quality diversity optimization.
- rikai — no summary
- rocketry — Advanced scheduling framework
- scgen — ScGen - Predicting single cell perturbations.
- sci-fab — Build system for scientific software
- shapash — Shapash is a Python library which aims to make machine learning interpretable and understandable by everyone.
- SlashCord — Discord
- spellcraft — spellcraft is a helper library containing useful functions and spells, primarily designed for use by Dataclass Wizard.
- Subsystems — Assembler for Pythonic back-end and Javascript front-end
- sugikey — Drawing Sankey diagrams in Python
- summarease — A package that provides quick summaries of datasets, including data types, missing value counts, and basic statistics.
- tbm-utils — A commonly-used set of utilities used by me (thebigmunch).
- thorod — A CLI utility for torrent creation and manipulation.
- trove-fm — Trove Farmer's Market is an online store and headless CMS.
- visread — Tools to read and process interferometric visibilities from Measurement Sets
- xyrha-flush — A tool runner for C++ development.