Reverse Dependencies of sphinx-markdown-builder
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinx-markdown-builder:
- aat — Algorithmic trading library
- armada-airflow — Armada Airflow Operator
- armada-client — Armada gRPC API python client
- awflow — Reusable acyclic workflows in Python. Execute code on HPC systems as if you executed them on your laptop!
- bayesian-classifier — Python library for training and testing Bayesian classifiers
- bigbrother — A library for object observability
- caimira — CAiMIRA - CERN Airborne Model for Indoor Risk Assessment
- cli-skel — Generate CLI applications from python dictionaries.
- crawliexpress — Python3 library to ease Aliexpress crawling
- crowdsource — Realtime Competitions
- crypto-data-fetcher — Utilities for fetching Crypto Coin data
- data-ecosystem-dependencies — Data Ecosystem Dependencies - Python (PADE)
- data-ecosystem-python — Program Agnostic Data Ecosystem (PADE) - Python Services
- data-ecosystem-services — Program Agnostic Data Ecosystem (PADE) - Python Services
- datarobot — This client library is designed to support the DataRobot API.
- datarobot-early-access — This client library is designed to support the DataRobot API.
- davt-dependencies-python — Data, Analytics and Visualization Templates (DAVT) - Python Dependencies
- davt-services-python — Data, Analytics and Visualization Templates (DAVT) - Python Services
- deel-datasets — Dataset loader for DEEL datasets
- deel-torchlip — PyTorch implementation for k-Lipschitz layers
- dewdl — Request and data manager for interfacing with the UDL
- espnet — ESPnet: end-to-end speech processing toolkit
- extents — An intervals library implemented in pure python, meant to be a drop-in replacment for the pyinterval library.
- fastpack — Module to help initialize Python projects
- gcp-sphinx-docfx-yaml — Sphinx Python Domain to DocFX YAML Generator
- hamlet — Building your infrastructure
- ipyregulartable — ipywidgets wrapper around regular-table
- jadbio — A python wrapper for the public JADBio REST API.
- jupyter-autoversion — Automatically version jupyter notebooks on save
- key-vault-interface — A simple package to work as an interface with a key; at the moment only supporting Azure.
- lazystuff — Lazy-ish list-like objects for streaming APIs.
- mmWrt — minimal raytracing code example for MIMO FMCW radar
- neurocarto — A web-interface channelmap editor for Neuropixels probe familiy
- niamoto — no summary
- nodriver — [Docs here](
- nodriver-extras — [Docs here](
- Notion2Pelican — Import notion pages in pelican blogging format
- objsize — Traversal over Python's objects subtree and calculate the total size of the subtree in bytes (deep size).
- packagename-jarne — Example project for sphinx python.
- pade-python — Program Agnostic Data Ecosystem (PADE) - Python Services
- pade-python-dependencies — Program Agnostic Data Ecosystem (PADE) - Python Dependencies
- perspective-python — Python bindings and JupyterLab integration for Perspective
- places-env — securely version control environment files
- probely — CLI and SDK wrappers for Probely's API
- pyaud-plugins — Plugin package for Pyaud
- pyEX — Rest API to IEX
- pyEX-studies — Rest API to IEX
- pyFilo — Python library for handling bioinformatics data
- pyllmsearch — LLM Powered Advanced RAG Application
- pymatgen — Python Materials Genomics is a robust materials analysis code that defines core object representations for structures
- pyrovelocity — A multivariate RNA Velocity model to estimate future cell states with uncertainty using probabilistic modeling with pyro.
- root-signals — The Python SDK for API of Root Signals
- speechtotext-python — Python package to benchmark speech2text models.
- sphinx-jekyll-builder — sphinx builder that outputs jekyll compatible markdown files with frontmatter
- sportypy — Draw sports surfaces according to rulebook specifications
- tdameritrade — APIs for TD Ameritrade
- tdameritrade-ext — This package extend from
- temporal-cache — Time based function caching
- texthero — Text preprocessing, representation and visualization from zero to hero.
- textherox — Text preprocessing, representation and visualization from zero to hero.
- tkp-utils — Simple Python Utilities
- tornado-proxy-handlers — Tornado proxy handlers
- tornado-sqlalchemy-login — Simple Python Utilities
- tributary — Streaming reactive and dataflow graphs in Python
- validmind — ValidMind Developer Framework
- virt-s3 — A Virtualitics S3 Utility Library with Local File System Mirror.