Reverse Dependencies of sphinx-jsonschema
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinx-jsonschema:
- aind-behavior-experiment-launcher — A library for a minimal framework that can be used to build experimental interfaces.
- aind-behavior-services — A library that defines AIND data schema and validates JSON files for behavior rig models.
- blueetl — Multiple simulations analysis tool
- broadbean — Package for easily generating and manipulating signal pulses.
- byteblower-test-cases-low-latency — Low Latency test case using ByteBlower.
- byteblower-test-cases-rfc-2544 — Perform throughput test based on RFC 2544 using ByteBlower.
- byteblower-test-cases-tr-398 — Perform traffic tests for TR-398 using ByteBlower.
- byteblower-test-framework — Test Framework for the ByteBlower Traffic Generator.
- cabinetry — design and steer profile likelihood fits
- correctionlib — A generic correction library
- dasi — Automated DNA assembly planner for Python
- diameter-synthesis — Diametrize cells.
- e2clab — Your Edge-to-Cloud laboratory
- enoslib — A library to build (distributed) systems experiments
- federatedcode — Share software metadata and vulnerabilities in a federated manner over ActivityPub and git
- igwn-monitor — Nagios (Icinga) monitoring plugins for IGWN
- ivadomed — Feature conditioning for IVADO medical imaging project.
- jupyter-telemetry-sphinxext — Sphinx extension for auto-generating Jupyter Telemetry schema documentation.
- jupyter-videochat — Video Chat with peers inside JupyterLab and RetroLab
- kwcoco — The kwcoco module and cli for image datasets
- mario — no summary
- MEDfl — Python Open-source package for simulating federated learning and differential privacy
- medimage-pkg — MEDimage is a Python package for processing and extracting features from medical images
- mofdscribe — Ecosystem for digital reticular chemistry
- morphology-workflows — Workflows used for morphology processing.
- MZT — Package to host DeepLearning modules for pytorch ecosystem, to ease out model implementations.
- neurots — Synthesis of artificial neurons using their topological profiles package.
- nipoppy — Standardized organization and processing of neuroimaging-clinical datasets
- padrick — A padframe controller/multiplexer generator for SoCs
- pib-cli — Python Development CLI
- qcodes — Python-based data acquisition framework developed by the Copenhagen / Delft / Sydney / Microsoft quantum computing consortium
- quantify-core — Quantify-core is a unified quantum computing, solid-state and pulse sequencing physical experimentation framework.
- quantify-scheduler — Quantify-scheduler is a Python package for writing quantum programs featuring a hybrid gate-pulse control model with explicit timing control.
- quantify-zurich-instruments — Zurich Instruments backend for Quantify.
- rcds — An automated CTF challenge deployment tool
- region-grower — Synthesize cells in a given spatial context.
- releso — no summary
- scikit-build-core — Build backend for CMake based projects
- semal — Tools for deserializing sklearn objects
- sphinx-pydantic — Generate Sphinx documentation from PyDantic objects.
- sphinx-pydantic-sqlalchemy — Document SQLAlchemy models by leveraging to sphinx-pydantic and pydantic-sqlalchemy
- StreamFlow — StreamFlow framework
- tautulli — A complete Python client for Tautulli's API
- uhi — Unified Histogram Interface: tools to help library authors work with histograms
- wisdem — Wind-Plant Integrated System Design & Engineering Model
- yt-napari — A napari plugin for loading data from yt