Reverse Dependencies of sphinx-design
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinx-design:
- batconf — Application configuration tool from the BAT project
- battery-data-toolkit — Utilities for reading and manipulating battery testing data
- bayesflow — "Amortizing Bayesian Inference With Neural Networks"
- bedrockpy — Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Websocket Server
- beetroots — Beetroots (BayEsian infErence with spaTial Regularization of nOisy multi-line ObservaTion mapS)
- benchopt — Benchmark toolkit for optimization
- betty — Betty helps you visualize and publish your family history by building interactive genealogy websites out of your Gramps and GEDCOM family trees
- bibclean — A simple BibTex file checker and cleaner.
- biolearn — Machine learning for biomarkers computing
- biosteam — The Biorefinery Simulation and Techno-Economic Analysis Modules
- blenderline — A pipeline for generating synthetic production line images
- blueapi — Lightweight bluesky-as-a-service wrapper application. Also usable as a library.
- bluebonnet — Scaling solutions for production analysis from unconventional oil and gas wells
- bluesky — Experiment specification & orchestration.
- bpx — An implementation of the Battery Parameter eXchange (BPX) format in Pydantic.
- Braindecode — Deep learning software to decode EEG, ECG or MEG signals
- bronzivka — My Python packages sphinx documentation theme
- bsb-core — `bsb-core` is the backbone package contain the essential code of the BSB: A component
- bsb-hdf5 — HDF5 storage engine for the BSB framework.
- bsbdocs — BSB sphinx documentation extension
- bsl — Real-time framework for online neuroscience research through LSL-compatible devices.
- bw-hestia-bridge — Import HESTIA data directly into Brightway
- bw_timex — Time-explicit Life Cycle Assessment
- byte-triggers — Provides byte (0 to 255) triggers on serial/parallel ports and on LSL streams.
- byteblower-test-cases-low-latency — Low Latency test case using ByteBlower.
- byteblower-test-framework — Test Framework for the ByteBlower Traffic Generator.
- bytemaker — A sub-byte-struct-supporting Python serialization/deserialization library for Python 3.8.
- canesm-process — CanESM output processing pipelines
- canonical-sphinx — no summary
- cartogram — Compute continous cartograms (anamorphic maps)
- cashocs — Computational Adjoint-Based Shape Optimization and Optimal Control Software
- catio — Control system integration of EtherCAT I/O devices running under TwinCAT using pyads and FastCS
- CausalPy — Causal inference for quasi-experiments in Python
- cchdo.hydro — no summary
- ccres-disdrometer-processing — CCRES code to convert data
- cebra — Consistent Embeddings of high-dimensional Recordings using Auxiliary variables
- cellcharter — A Python package for the identification, characterization and comparison of spatial clusters from spatial -omics data.
- cellrank — CellRank: dynamics from multi-view single-cell data
- cerf — An open-source geospatial Python package for assessing and analyzing future electricity technology capacity expansion feasibility.
- cge-modeling — Computable general equlibrium models and policy simulation via autodiff with Pytensor
- charonload — Develop C++/CUDA extensions with PyTorch like Python scripts
- chic-lib — Coarse-grainig hybrid and inorganic crystals (CHIC)
- chimpflow — Service which polls the database for subwell images which need to have the chimp detector run on them.
- circle-detection — A Python package for detecting circles in 2D point sets.
- citecheck — Run-time protection of citation chains
- click-extra — 🌈 Drop-in replacement for Click to make user-friendly and colorful CLI
- climakitaegui — Climate data analysis toolkit GUI support
- cobsurv — Cobra Ensemble for Conditional Survival
- coeus-sphinx-theme — A Sphinx Documentation Theme.
- cogent3 — COmparative GENomics Toolkit 3: genomic sequence analysis within notebooks or on compute systems with 1000s of CPUs.
- cogsworth — A framework for performing self-consistent population synthesis and orbital integration
- colrev — CoLRev: An open-source environment for collaborative reviews
- comet-maths — Mathematical algorithms and tools to use within CoMet toolkit.
- compress — Package short description.
- conch-sounds — Analyze acoustic similarity in Python
- config-patterns — Brings config management best practices for production-ready application.
- coniql — Interface to control systems via GraphQL over websockets
- conspiracies — Discover and examine conspiracies using natural language processing
- ConstellationDAQ — The Autonomous Control and Data Acquisition System for Dynamic Experimental Setups
- copier-example — Short description
- cotengra — Hyper optimized contraction trees for large tensor networks and einsums.
- cothread — Build tools using cooperative threading
- craft-store — Store bindings for Snaps and Charms
- cross-aws-account-iam-role — Setup cross AWS account IAM permission made easy.
- crowsetta — A Python tool to work with any format for annotating animal sounds and bioacoustics data
- ctapipe — Event reconstruction framework for Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes developed for CTAO.
- CurviRiver — Generate curvilinear mesh from river outline polygons
- cv2ext — Extended functionality on top of OpenCV
- cvxpy — A domain-specific language for modeling convex optimization problems in Python.
- cvxpy-base — A domain-specific language for modeling convex optimization problems in Python.
- CytoSimplex — Simplex Visualization of Cell Fate Similarity in Single-Cell Data
- d2py — Dive into Python.
- dacy — A Danish pipeline trained in SpaCy that has achieved State-of-the-Art performance on all dependency parsing, NER and POS-tagging for Danish
- dageo — Data Assimilation in Geosciences
- dao-field — 道域
- dash-leaflet-basemaps — A extra layer type to manage basemaps in dash-leaflet
- dask-awkward — Awkward Array meets Dask
- data2rdf — A generic pipeline that can be used to map raw data to RDF.
- datarobotx — DataRobotX is a collection of DataRobot extensions
- datawaza — Datawaza is a collection of tools for data exploration, visualization, data cleaning, pipeline creation, model iteration, and evaluation.
- dbsnaplake — A framework that convert Any Database Snapshot to Analytical Friendly Data Lake.
- dbt-contracts — Enforce standards for your dbt projects through automated checks and generators
- deepinv — Pytorch library for solving inverse problems with deep learning
- deepmd-kit — A deep learning package for many-body potential energy representation and molecular dynamics
- demessaging — python module wrapper for the data analytics software framework DASF
- deta-hub — Note Demo
- detkit — Matrix determinant toolkit
- dfetch — Dependency fetcher
- dflat-opt — D-Flat is a forward and inverse design framework for flat optics. Although specially geared for the design of metasurfaces, it may be used broadly for end-to-end imaging and sensing task.
- diffsims — Diffraction Simulations in Python
- digital-experiments — Keep track of digital experiments.
- Discord-Advert-Framework — Framework for periodic advertisements on Discord
- disk-numpy-array — A library to save and load a large numpy array from disk.
- dj-angles — Add more bracket angles to Django templates </>
- django-helmholtz-aai — A generic Django app to login via Helmholtz AAI
- django-ocr_translate — Django app for OCR and translation
- django-unicorn — A magical full-stack framework for Django.
- dkist — DKIST User Tools
- dls-bluesky-core — Common Diamond specific Bluesky plans and functions
- dls-bxflow — Distributed beamline automated data processing workflow engine and gui platform core.