Reverse Dependencies of sphinx-codeautolink
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinx-codeautolink:
- abcvoting — A Python library of approval-based committee (ABC) rules
- abqcy — Write Abaqus Subroutines in Python
- assembled — Efficiently Benchmarking Ensembles in AutoML
- bapsf_motion — Package for controlling motion devices in a BaPSF DAQ system
- birdhouse-birdy — Birdy provides a command-line tool to work with Web Processing Services.
- cge-modeling — Computable general equlibrium models and policy simulation via autodiff with Pytensor
- chic-lib — Coarse-grainig hybrid and inorganic crystals (CHIC)
- ctis — A Python library for characterizing and using the CCD cameras developed by Marshall Space Flight Center.
- dask-awkward — Awkward Array meets Dask
- digital-experiments — Keep track of digital experiments.
- figanos — Outils pour produire des graphiques informatifs sur les impacts des changements climatiques.
- gaitalytics — easy gait-metrics for everyone
- hdf5view — hdf5view is a python based HDF5 file viewer built on PyQt5/PySide2/PyQt6/PySide6, QtPy, h5py and pyqtgraph.
- icclim — Python library for climate indices calculation.
- idf-analysis — heavy rainfall intensity as a function of duration and return period acc. to DWA-A 531 (2012)
- kikuchipy — Processing, simulating, and indexing of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) patterns
- lm-buddy — Ray-centric library for finetuning and evaluation of (large) language models.
- load-atoms — Large Open Access Datasets for Atomistic Materials Science (LOAD-AtoMS)
- metaspace-converter — Convert Metaspace datasets to AnnData
- miranda — Python utilities for climate data collection, conversion, and management
- Monochrome — Viewer for monochromatic video data
- msfc-ccd — A Python library for characterizing and using the CCD cameras developed by Marshall Space Flight Center.
- named-arrays — Numpy arrays with labeled axes, similar to xarray but with support for uncertainties
- napari-omaas — napari-OMAAS stands for Optical Mapping Acquisition and Analysis Software
- optika — A Python library for simulating optical systems, similar to Zemax
- optimap — A toolbox for analyzing optical mapping and fluorescence imaging data.
- orix — orix is an open-source Python library for handling crystal orientation mapping data
- Paidiverpy — A library to preprocess image data.
- polarimetry-lc2pkpi — Symbolic expressions that describe an aligned polarimeter vector field
- pyebsdindex — Python based tool for Radon based EBSD indexing
- pyhdtoolkit — An all-in-one toolkit package to ease my Python work in my PhD.
- pykoopman — Python package for data-driven approximations to the Koopman operator.
- pykz — A Matplotlib-like interface for generating Tikz and Pgfplots figures
- pylips — An interface for embodied conversational interaction.
- pyPLNmodels — Package implementing PLN models
- pyqtribbon — Ribbon Bar for PyQt or PySide applications
- pyrfu — Python Space Physics (RymdFysik) Utilities
- pyxem — multi-dimensional diffraction microscopy
- pyxu — Modular and scalable computational imaging in Python with support for GPU/out-of-core computing.
- qDNA — A package to calculate lifetimes, average charge separation, and dipole moments of excited states along DNA within the formalism of open quantum systems.
- rdata — Read R datasets from Python.
- ribs — A bare-bones Python library for quality diversity optimization.
- rpycocotools — Package providing utilities to load, manipulate, convert and visualize COCO format datasets.
- session-info2 — Print versions of imported packages.
- swmm-api — API for reading, manipulating and running US-EPA-SWMM-Projects
- symtorch — Symbolic Expressions in PyTorch
- tfs-pandas — Read and write tfs files.
- torch-uncertainty — Uncertainty quantification library in PyTorch
- xclim — Climate indices computation package based on Xarray.
- xdatasets — Easy access to Earth observation datasets with xarray.
- xhydro — Hydrological analysis library built with xarray.
- xhydro-temp — Hydrological analysis library built with xarray.
- xibs — Prototype Intra-Beam Scattering implementation for Xsuite.
- xscen — A climate change scenario-building analysis framework, built with xclim/xarray.
- xsdba — Statistical correction and bias adjustment tools for xarray.