Reverse Dependencies of sphinx-automodapi
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinx-automodapi:
- pydeogram — Generate karyotype pictures using Ideogram.js.
- pyDischarge — A python package for gravitational-wave astrophysics
- pyeem — Python library for the preprocessing, correction, deconvolution and analysis of Excitation Emission Matrices (EEMs).
- pyflct — A Python wrapper for Fourier Local Correlation Tracking.
- pyflexpay — A Python SDK for the FlexPay API for Payments Aggregation
- PyGaia — Gaia science performance simulation toolkit
- pyia — A Python package for working with data from the Gaia mission
- pyirf — A python library to calculate IACT IRFs and Sensitivities
- pyjengahq — Unofficial Python wrapper around the JengaAPIs that are pre-integrated into the financial, identity, credit and payment systems across Africa.
- pykeccelsms — A Python SDK for the Keccel Messaging API for sms in the DRC.
- pykeen — A package for training and evaluating multimodal knowledge graph embeddings
- pylegs — Legacy Survey Data Retriever
- pyobo — Handling and writing OBO
- pypsg — A Python package for accessing the Planetary System Generator.
- pyrdle — Play Wordle interactively in the CLI/GUI. Also contains various algorithms to defeat the game.
- pyrender — Easy-to-use Python renderer for 3D visualization
- pyribbit — Easy-to-use Python renderer for 3D visualization
- pysoilmap — Tools for performing Digital Soil Mapping (DSM) with python.
- pystow — Easily pick a place to store data for your Python code
- pytek-wasiliana — Wasiliana USSD and SMS API SDK
- pytest-remote-response — Pytest plugin for capturing and mocking connection requests.
- python-graspfile — A package for reading, manipulating and eventually writing files output from TICRA Tools GRASP and CHAMP software using numpy etc.
- python-huawei-push-admin — The Huawei Admin Python SDK enables server-side (backend) Python developers to integrate Huawei into their services and applications.
- pywwt — The AAS WorldWide Telescope from Python
- qiskit-ibm-runtime — IBM Quantum client for Qiskit Runtime.
- quickstatements-client — A data model and client for Wikidata QuickStatements
- radiospectra — Provide support for some type of radio spectra in solar physics
- rateslib — A fixed income library for trading interest rates
- redcross — Reduction and cross-correlation of high-resolution spectroscopy for exoplanet atmospheres
- requests-cache — A persistent cache for python requests
- requests-ecp — SAML/ECP authentication handler for python-requests
- requests-pelican — A requests addon for Pelican data federations
- requests-scitokens — A requests plugin for SciToken authorisation
- resmda — ES-MDA with a simple 2D reservoir modeller
- restoreio — Reconstruct incomplete oceanographic dataset
- ripplemapper — Tools for analysing the water air interface to programmatically detect surface waves.
- robotpy-sphinx-plugin — Common Sphinx tooling for RobotPy projects
- roentgen — A Python package for the quantitative analysis of the interaction of energetic x-rays with matter. This package is named after one of the discoverers of X-rays, Wilhelm Rontgen.
- roman-datamodels — data models supporting calibration of the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope
- romancal — Library for calibration of science observations from the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope
- romanisim — Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope WFI Simulator
- romsearch — One Stop ROM Shop
- rsaitehu — Modules created at the RSAIT group at UPV/EHU
- rustyms — A library to handle proteomic mass spectrometry data and match peptides to spectra.
- salbpone — Simple Assembly Line Balancing Problem (SALBP-1) solver
- sammi-cdf — A Python package to support metadata attriubte management for Space Weather data processing pipelines.
- sanstylex — Dive into Python.
- sanstylex-demo — Dive into Python.
- schwimmbad — A common interface for parallel processing pools.
- scib — Evaluating single-cell data integration methods
- scverse — scverse bundle
- scvi — Single-cell Variational Inference
- sedfitter — SED Fitter in Python
- semra — Semantic mapping reasoner and assembler
- seppy — SEPpy
- shadows — Low-memory data interfaces for scverse
- shm-dict — Shared Memory Dictionary
- ShowerModel — Modelling cosmic-ray showers, their light production and its detection
- snowblind — Mask cosmic ray showers (snowballs) in JWST data
- solarmach — Multi-spacecraft longitudinal configuration plotter
- solo-epd-loader — Data loader for Solar Orbiter/EPD energetic charged particle sensors EPT, HET, and STEP.
- solvit — Solvit Alphametic Puzzle Solver in Python
- specviz — An interactive astronomical analysis tool
- spherical-geometry — Python based tools for spherical geometry
- sphinx-astropy — Sphinx extensions and configuration specific to the Astropy project
- sphinx-changelog — A changelog renderer for sphinx.
- sphinx-versioned-docs — Sphinx extension to build versionsed docs.
- sqlxw — Note Demo
- starfish-py — Developer Toolkit for Decentralised Data Ecosystems
- stark-package — Spectral exTraction And Reduction Kit
- stdatamodels — Core support for DataModel classes used in calibration pipelines
- stixpy — Analysis software for Solar Orbiter Spectrometer Telescope for Imaging X-rays (STIX)
- stonkgs — Sophisticated Transformers for Biomedical Text and Knowledge Graph Data
- stpipe — Framework for calibration pipeline software
- stpsf — Creates simulated point spread functions for Space Telescopes (James Webb, Roman)
- streamtracer — Python library to calculate streamlines
- structuregraph-helpers — Utilities for working with structure graphs
- stsci.image — Image array manipulation functions
- stsci.imagestats — Compute sigma-clipped statistics on data arrays
- stsci.skypac — Sky matching on image mosaic
- stsci.stimage — Various image processing functions
- stwcs — Computes the WCS of HST images.
- subsurface — Subsurface data types and utilities
- suncasa — "SunCASA: CASA-based Python package for reducing, analyzing, and visualizing solar dynamic spectroscopic imaging data at radio wavelengths"
- sunkit-instruments — A SunPy-affiliated package for solar instrument-specific tools.
- sunkit-magex — Solar Magnetic field Extrapolation
- sunkit-pyvista — 3D visualisation of solar physics data with pyvista.
- sunpy — SunPy core package: Python for Solar Physics
- sunpy-soar — A sunpy FIDO plugin for accessing data in the Solar Orbiter Archive (SOAR).
- sunpy-sphinx-theme — The sphinx theme for the SunPy website and documentation.
- sunraster — sunraster is an open-source Python library that provides the tools to read in and analyze spectrogram data.
- superintendent — Interactive machine learning supervision.
- sylloge — Small library to simplify collecting and loading of entity alignment benchmark datasets
- SyMBac — A package for generating synthetic images of bactera in phase contrast or fluorescence. Used for creating training data for machine learning segmentation and tracking algorithms.
- tap-core — Tap Core features
- target-core — Target Core features
- tekmpesa — All Mpesa APIs for All 8 Countries
- tekrepodoc — Utility Tool to Generate Common Project Files using sensible templates every one can agree on. Useful for Git Repositories, Supports Sphinx templates, Community Health Files, READMEs, pypi project configurations.
- thesportsdb — Unofficial Python API client wrapper package around API
- torch-book — Dive into Torch