Reverse Dependencies of sphinx-argparse
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinx-argparse:
- abagen — A toolbox for working with the Allen Brain Atlas genetic data
- ada-client — A client for getting metadata from the NOIRLab Astro Data Archive.
- aesp — aesp(Adaptive Evolutionary Structure Predictor) is a crystal structure prediction tool written in Python.
- aigarmic — Machine-learning assisted agar dilution MIC
- aiocoap — Python CoAP library
- air2phin — Air2phin is a tool for migrating Airflow DAGs to DolphinScheduler Python API.
- airphin — Airphin is a tool for migrating Airflow DAGs to DolphinScheduler Python API.
- alo7-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- amazon-textract-textractor — A package to use AWS Textract services.
- anemoi-datasets — A package to hold various functions to support training of ML models on ECMWF data.
- anemoi-graphs — A package to build graphs for data-driven forecasts.
- anemoi-inference — A package to hold various functions to support training of ML models.
- anemoi-models — A package to hold various functions to support training of ML models.
- anemoi-registry — A package to manage a registry or data-driven forecasts.
- anemoi-training — A package to hold various functions to support training of ML models.
- anemoi-transform — A package to hold various data transformation functions to support training of ML models on ECMWF data.
- anemoi-utils — A package to hold various functions to support training of ML models on ECMWF data.
- anms-ace — ADM CODEC Engine
- anms-camp — C code generator for the Asychronous Management Protocol
- apache-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- apache-airflow-zack — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- arcana — Abstraction of Repository-Centric ANAlysis (Arcana): A framework for analysing on file-based datasets "in-place" (i.e. without manual download)
- arcana-bids — An Arcana extension for interacting with Brain Imaging Structure (BIDS) datasets and associated "Apps"
- arcana-testing — Dummy classes for testing the Arcana framework
- arcana-xnat — An extension of the Arcana framework to apply workflows and analyses on data stored within XNAT data repositories
- arkouda — Parallel, distributed NumPy-like arrays backed by Chapel
- arptools — CLI tools to do network analysis with ARP packets.
- aspring — Alternatively Spliced Pseudo Repeat IN-Gene
- auto-intersphinx — Automatic links direct project dependencies to the intersphinx catalog
- autocalc — A framework to keep track of dependencies in non-linear workflows
- b2 — Command Line Tool for Backblaze B2
- babs — BIDS App Bootstrap (BABS) is a reproducible, generalizable, and scalable Python package for BIDS App analysis of large datasets. It uses DataLad and adopts FAIRly big framework.
- bbftools — BBF Tools
- bdp — Block Diagrams in Python
- benchmarkstt — A library for benchmarking AI/ML applications.
- bids2cite — create a citation file for a BIDS dataset
- bidsmreye — bids app using deepMReye to decode eye motion for fMRI time series data
- bork — A program to help build, maintain, and release PEP 517-compliant projects.
- boutiques — Schema for describing bash command-line tools
- buildcat — Lightweight, flexible render farm based on RQ and Redis.
- cacheless-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- cadbiom — Cadbiom library v1.1.0
- cadbiom-cmd — Command line tools using the Cadbiom library
- caf.toolkit — A toolkit of transport planning and appraisal functionalities
- campa — no summary
- candig-server — Server implementation of the CanDIG APIs
- cannula — Async GraphQL Helper Library
- capcalc — Tools for performing coactivation pattern analysis on fMRI data.
- cashocs — Computational Adjoint-Based Shape Optimization and Optimal Control Software
- castep-outputs — A package for extracting information from castep outputs
- CDC — Color distance calculator.
- cellbender — A software package for eliminating technical artifacts from high-throughput single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data
- cellpose — anatomical segmentation algorithm
- cellpose-plus — cell segmenetation framework based on cellpose
- certgrinder — The client part of the Certgrinder project
- certgrinderd — The server part of the Certgrinder project
- chakraversiontracker — Software to detect packages in rolling repositories of Chakra that are out of date.
- chemprop — Molecular Property Prediction with Message Passing Neural Networks
- chimpflow — Service which polls the database for subwell images which need to have the chimp detector run on them.
- cicada-mpc — Flexible toolkit for fault tolerant secure multiparty computation.
- ciecplib — A python client for SAML/ECP authentication
- CLASHChimeras — Python package to find chimeras in CRAC/CLASH and HITS-CLIP datasets
- climate-aware-task-scheduler — Climate aware task scheduler
- cobrawap — Collaborative Brain Wave Analysis Pipeline (Cobrawap)
- cohort-creator — Creates a neuroimaging cohort by aggregating data across datasets.
- composer — Composer is a PyTorch library that enables you to train neural networks faster, at lower cost, and to higher accuracy.
- conda-package-handling — Create and extract conda packages of various formats.
- configpile — Configuration from command line parameters, configuration files and environment variables
- cosmoplotian — cosmoplotian is for plotting
- crema-ms — Confidence estimation for proteomics experiments
- crossref-lmdb — A command-line application and Python library for accessing DOI metadata from a CrossRef public data export via a Lightning key:value (DOI:metadata) database.
- csvlike — Read CSV-like files
- cubids — Curation of BIDS (CuBIDS): A sanity-preserving software package for processing BIDS datasets.
- cubids-bond-fork — BIDS On Disk Editor
- cumin — Automation and orchestration framework and CLI written in Python
- custodia — A service to manage, retrieve and store secrets.
- custom-workflow-solutions — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- cutevariant — GUI to visualize and process variant data
- cycl — CLI and Python SDK to help identify cross-stack import/export circular dependencies, for a given AWS account and region.
- dataone.doc — Documentation for the DataONE Python products
- deepmd-kit — A deep learning package for many-body potential energy representation and molecular dynamics
- deepmd-kit-cu11 — A deep learning package for many-body potential energy representation and molecular dynamics
- deepmreye — MR-based eye tracker without eye tracking
- demessaging — python module wrapper for the data analytics software framework DASF
- den — Den is a home for your home's data.
- despasito — Determining Equilibrium State and Parametrization Application for SAFT, Intended for Thermodynamic Output
- dfetch — Dependency fetcher
- dls-bxflow — Distributed beamline automated data processing workflow engine and gui platform core.
- dls-bxflow-epsic — Bxflow beamline code for ePSIC.
- dls-logformatter — Python logging formatter for readability.
- dls-mainiac — Convenient Python helper classes for cli Main programs.
- dls-multiconf — Python class for runtime configuration coordinating multiple services.
- dls-normsql — Normalized API over various sql libraries for consistency across multiple projects.
- dls-pairstream — Simple data streaming protocol.
- dls-servbase — Simple HTTP service for database operations.
- dls-slurmjob — Simplified job submit and status using Slurm REST.
- dls-utilpack — Library of various useful Python classes and functions.
- dmriprep — dMRIPrep is a robust and easy-to-use pipeline for preprocessing of diverse dMRI data.
- dnsupdate — A modern and flexible dynamic DNS client
- doiget-tdm — A command-line application and Python library for obtaining the metadata and full-text of published journal articles for text data mining (TDM) purposes.