Reverse Dependencies of spglib
The following projects have a declared dependency on spglib:
- aiida-core — AiiDA is a workflow manager for computational science with a strong focus on provenance, performance and extensibility.
- aiida-crystal17 — AiiDA plugin for running the CRYSTAL17 code
- aiida-gulp — AiiDA plugin for running the GULP MD code
- aiida-vibroscopy — AiiDA plugin for vibrational spectoscopy using Quantum ESPRESSO.
- aiidalab-widgets-base — Reusable widgets for AiiDAlab applications.
- aim2dat — Automated Ab-Initio Materials Modeling and Data Analysis Toolkit: Python library for pre-, post-processing and data management of ab-initio high-throughput workflows for computational materials science.
- alignn — alignn
- amcheck — amcheck is the program (and a library) to check, based on the symmetry arguments, whether a given material is an altermagnet.
- amset — AMSET is a tool to calculate carrier transport properties from ab initio calculation data
- asd-gui — The UppASD GUI
- ase — Atomic Simulation Environment
- ase2sprkkr — ASE (atomic simulation environment) interface to SPRKKR
- asr — ASE recipes for calculating material properties
- atomgpt — atomgpt
- atomict — The client application for the
- atomistic — Build atomistic structures such as grain boundaries with Python
- atomistics — Interfaces for atomistic simulation codes and workflows
- atomrdf — Ontology based structural manipulation and quering
- castep2fs — CASTEP utility for calculating Fermi surfaces and related properties.
- CatKit — General purpose tools for high-throughput catalysis.
- clease — CLuster Expansion in Atomistic Simulation Environment
- clims — Command-Line Interface for Materials Simulations
- clusterX — CELL (aka clusterX) is a python package for building Cluster Expansion models of simple and complex alloys and performing thermodynamical analyses of materials.
- Crylearn — toolkit for embedding crystal to graphy
- crystals — Data structures for crystallography
- crystex — no summary
- crystmatch — Enumerating and analyzing crystal-structure matches for solid-solid phase transitions.
- dfttoolkit — A collection of python modules and libraries for several DFT codes to handle input and output.
- dragonfruit — Workflow tool
- dxutils — A small toolbox for computational solid state physics
- easyunfold — Collection of code for band unfolding
- elastensor — A package designed to assist with the creation of 3rd order elastic constants from DFT
- elastic — Extension for ASE to calculate elastic constants
- elastool — Elastic tool for zero and finite-temperature elastic constants and mechanical properties calculations
- enstelco — ENergy-STrain ELastic COnstant calculations made simple!
- esma — Quantum Espresso automation tool
- euphonic — Euphonic calculates phonon bandstructures and inelastic neutron scattering intensities from modelling code output (e.g. CASTEP)
- fedorov — A python code repo to initialize different crystal structures based on Pearson symbol or space group
- flowws-unit-cell — Stage-based scientific workflows for crystal unit cell identification
- green-mbtools — Collection of Python tools for quantum many-body simulation using Green Software Package
- hecss — High Efficiency Configuration Space Sampler
- hiphive — High-order force constants for the masses
- HTMACat — A high-throughput modeling, calculation, and analysis framework for catalytic reaction processes.
- ifermi — Fermi surface plotting tool from DFT output
- ions — A python library for studying ionic conductors
- irrep — A tool to get symmetry proberties of ab-initio wavefunctions, irreduible representations and more.
- irreptables — Tables of characters of irreducible representations for double space groups. Part of 'irrep' package
- janus-core — Tools for machine learnt interatomic potentials
- libcasm-configuration — CASM configuration comparison and enumeration
- macrodensity — no summary
- masci_tools — masci-tools is a collection of tools for materials science.
- matador-db — MATerial and Atomic Databases Of Refined structures.
- materia — Module for integrated materials simulations.
- matid — MatID is a Python package for identifying and analyzing atomistic systems based on their structure.
- mcu — Modeling and Crystallographic Utilities
- MechElastic — A Python library to calculate elastic properties of materials.
- mechviz — MechViz -- Python-based toolkit for the analysis and visualization of mechanical properties of materials
- mgtoolbox-kernel — no summary
- mkits — multi-DFT codes assistant program.
- mpdd-alignn — A version of the NIST-JARVIS ALIGNN optimized in terms of model performance and to some extent reliability, for large-scale deployments over the MPDD infrastructure by Phases Research Lab.
- ncrystal — Library for thermal neutron transport in crystals and other materials.
- ncrystal-verify — Library for thermal neutron transport in crystals and other materials.
- PDielec — PDielec package for the calculation of THz and infrared spectra for powders and single crystals
- perconeb — A tool for finding percolation pathways in crystals
- pheasy — A calculator for high-order force constants and phonon quasiparticles.
- phono3py — This is the phono3py module.
- phonon-to-json — Package for converting CASTEP .phonon files to .json files.
- phonopy — This is the phonopy module.
- pniggli — Structures of Alloys Generation And Recognition
- PropertyExtract — "PropertyExtract -- LLM-based model to extract material property from unstructured dataset",
- PyBigDFT — Python utilities for BigDFT
- pyDFTutils — utils for DFT/TB calculation
- pyexafs — A simple package for fast analysis of EXAFS data
- pyiron-atomistics — An interface to atomistic simulation codes including but not limited to GPAW, LAMMPS, S/Phi/nX and VASP.
- pyiron-gpl — pyiron - an integrated development environment (IDE) for computational materials science.
- pymatgen — Python Materials Genomics is a robust materials analysis code that defines core object representations for structures
- pynta-flow — An automated workflow for reaction path exploration on metallic surfaces
- pyprocar — A Python library for electronic structure pre/post-processing.
- pyscal-rdf — Ontology based structural manipulation and quering
- pysipfenn — Python toolset for Structure-Informed Property and Feature Engineering with Neural Networks. It offers unique advantages through (1) effortless extensibility, (2) optimizations for ordered, dilute, and random atomic configurations, and (3) automated model tuning.
- pyTEMlib — pyTEM: TEM Data Quantification library through a model-based approach
- pyxtal — Python code for generation of crystal structures based on symmetry constraints.
- pyxtal-ff — Python code for force field training of crystals
- ramannoodle — Calculate Raman spectra from first-principles calculations.
- robocrys — Automatic generation of crystal structure descriptions
- sagar — Structures of Alloys Generation And Recognition
- seekpath — A module to obtain and visualize k-vector coefficients and obtain band paths in the Brillouin zone of crystal structures
- shore-pkg-geonda — python wrapper for OCEAN-FEFF
- SHRY — no summary
- SMACT — Semiconducting Materials by Analogy and Chemical Theory
- smatool — "SMATool - Automated toolkit for computing zero and finite-temperature strength of materials",
- Soprano — A Python library to crack crystals
- sovapy — SOVA (Structural Order Visualization and Analysis) with python
- spap — This program can analyze symmetry and compare similarity of atomic structures.
- sparc-dft-api — Python Wrapper for the SPARC-X DFT Code
- spglib — This is the spglib module.
- spgrep — On-the-fly generator of space-group irreducible representations
- spgrep-modulation — Collective atomic modulation analysis with irreducible space-group representation
- spin-phonon-suite — A package for performing spin-phonon coupling calculations with openMOLCAS, VASP, and Gaussian
- spinspg — Python package for detecting spin space group on top of spglib