Reverse Dependencies of SpeechRecognition
The following projects have a declared dependency on SpeechRecognition:
- AdonisAI — AdonisAI is python library to build your own AI virtual assistant with natural language processing.
- adua — You can use this to create your own assistant
- AI-Jarvis — AI Jarvis Tools
- ai-logics — Helpful in creating logics of any AI.
- AI-Robot-Tools — AI_Robot_Tools
- aichat — A AI virtual assistant chatbot
- aichatbot — Python library for building custom AI Chatbot with just one line of code.
- aifile — no summary
- aily-py — Aily CLI
- aivirtualassistant — Desktop Assistant which takes commands as speech & convert to text. Speaks the text provided. Wishes the User as per the Hour of the day. It also can send E-Mails.
- aivp — AI and Voice Processing Library
- akande — Akande: A versatile voice assistant powered by OpenAI's GPT-3. It
- ALbedo — A package for pre-trained image classification and context-decider for question-answering chatbots.
- Alcohol-Total-Game — A collection of mini-games and utilities.
- alice-ai — Artificial Intelligence with python
- allie — Biblioteca de inteligência artificial
- alpha-mini-rug — Alpha Mini Robot wrapper for the RUG Social Robotics Lab
- artbox — ArtBox is a tool set for handling multimedia files.
- askastro — A lightweight AI engineering toolkit for building natural language interfaces that are reliable, scalable, and easy to trust.
- ATH — Info:
- atomicshop — Atomic functions and classes to make developer life easier
- Audio-Cdvst — Eine Python-Bibliothek zur einfachen Audiowiedergabe und -aufnahme.
- audio-searcher — A tool to search for keywords in audio files
- audioft — *AFT is an audio translator nano framework* based on python who transcribe and translate an audio file to another language.
- audiomr — Audio for systems
- audioprocessor — A Python package for recording, transcribing, and converting audio
- AudioText — Convert Arabic Audio To English Text Module
- AudioToText — A small example package
- auto-coder — AutoCoder: AutoCoder
- auto-deep-research — open deep research based on autoagent
- autoscab — apply for many of the same job
- autosubmaia — Auto-generates subtitles for any video or audio file with support to and speech recognition module.
- autotools — Just save your time
- BanglaSpeech2Text — An open-source offline speech-to-text package for Bangla language.
- BanglaSpeechRecognition — Speech Recognition for Bangla Language developed by Md. Kowsher
- banksys — A system for Login and Sign Up with all the necessary functions such as sign_up() and login() with the support of MySql database
- besser-agentic-framework — BESSER Agentic Framework (BAF)
- besser-bot-framework — BESSER Bot Framework (BBF)
- bhaiapi — The python package that returns Response of Google bhai through API.
- bhashan2pathtak — A simple speech-to-text application using
- Bilingual-conversational-bot — A Real-Time Live Bilingual Conversation bot for English to Spanish and Spanish to English using Streamlit
- BonggoQuery — A package that helps you perform various operations, especially for building virtual assistants.
- brain-ai — Build your own intelligent personal assistant.
- bw_plex — Skip intros.
- captcha-resolver-Gottal — A package for resolving captcha in web pages
- captcha-solver-selenium — A package for solving Google reCAPTCHA using Selenium and Speech Recognition
- captchium — Python library for solving Google reCAPTCHA challenges
- chatgpt-voice-assistant — Package to speak with OpenAI's GPT models
- chatterbot-voice — A voice interface adapter for ChatterBot.
- ChelsiAI — ChelsiAI is python library to build your own AI virtual assistant with natural language processing.
- ChitraGupt — ChitraGupt: A powerful OSINT framework with a plugin-based architecture.
- chrc — It is a tool to learn Chinese.
- ClointFusion — Python based Automation (RPA) Platform
- cloudpy-org — Cloud data pipeline organization and automation library. Includes AWS framework manager API.
- comeagainquestionmark — Transcription tool for video to text
- CommandTaker — Takes command from user and converts text to speech, this module is used for A.I Systems to make system speak and listen
- copypy — Video Transcription
- corava — Python project for development of a Conversation Optimized Robot Assistant (CORA). CORA is a voice assistant that is powered by openai's chatgpt for both user intent detection as well as general LLM responses.
- criadorDeCortes — Para você que deseja farmar dinheiro com conteúdo de terceiros sem precisar ter esforço algum
- deskAssistant — A package to help with making a virtual assistant
- DesktopAssistant — Desktop Assistant which takes commands as speech & convert to text. Speaks the text provided. Wishes the User as per the Hour of the day. It also can send E-Mails.
- discord-ext-voice-recv — Experimental voice receive extension for
- Discord-Tools — Simulates Discord User using Selenium(Web-Scraping) Chromium-webdriver
- dlu-voice-transcriber — A multilingual voice recording and transcription tool with German and English support
- dost — DOST is a Python based Utility platform as an Open Source project. We strive to liberate humans from mundane, repetitive tasks, giving them more time to use their intellect and creativity to solve higher-order business challenges and perform knowledge work.
- dunkin-ai-assistant — no summary
- DunkinDonut — no summary
- Easy-AI — My Project Dont Touch
- EasyCode — Easily write code
- ecom-finder — Python based library to find any product in ecommerce site using crawling and AI (like audio, images)
- elemental-tools — A Collection of Utilities. Not even can be described.
- engineerai — Ai Tools for developers
- epikgameringrecaptchasolver — c2FsdCByZWNhcHRjaGEgc29sdmVyIHZlcnNpb24xIA==
- essence-extractor — Unleash the power of content transformation with EssenceExtractor, a dynamic tool that turbocharges your workflow, turning YouTube videos into engaging, readable blog posts in a snap!
- ester — A voice assistant package similar to Jarvis
- EtmA2T — A small example package
- EtmAudio2Text — A small example package
- Eve-EN — This is AI (onl 3.10+).
- family-ai-voice-assistant-impl — Provides common implementations for Family AI Voice Assistant.
- filemac — Open source Python CLI toolkit for conversion, manipulation, Analysis of files (All major file operations)
- florestbotfunctions — Функции бота Флореста в одной библиотеке.
- fluxion-ai-python — A framework for orchestrating flow-based agentic workflows using LLMs.
- friday-d33pster — Hey Siri and Ok Google type Voice Assistant implemented in python+rust, Iron Man style!
- fridayAI — fridayAI
- gchat — A terminal chatbot, powered by Groq Cloud API (Windows / macOS / Linux / Android / iOS)
- genai-assistant — A Streamlit-powered AI assistant that scrapes your screen.
- getpopularity-angelica-12 — A small uni project package
- gguf-connector — GGUF connector(s) with GUI
- gherkan — NL to Gherkin format translation tool
- gideonai — An intelligent bot written in Python
- GJDutils — A collection of useful utility functions (basics, data science/AI, web development, etc)
- gnlib — Command analyzer for pandas first version and it has assistant its will be cool
- godork — Scrape Google search quickly
- goodbyecaptcha — An asynchronized Python library to automate solving ReCAPTCHA v2 by images/audio
- gptalk — Fast GPT-3 client for Windows and Unix that supports both text and speech in any language.
- groqchat — A terminal chatbot, powered by Groq Cloud API (Windows / macOS / Linux / Android / iOS)
- harmonyai — Harmony ai is a simple conversational chatbot
- harmonyaif — Harmony ai is a simple conversational chatbot
- hello-robot-stretch-body — Stretch Body low level Python API
- hello-robot-stretch-body-dev — Stretch RE1 low level Python API