Reverse Dependencies of spectral
The following projects have a declared dependency on spectral:
- abraia — Abraia Python SDK
- borec-tool — Tool for visualization and analysis of hyperspectral data
- csiro-spectral-tools — A collection of tools used for working with hyperspectral data
- earthlib — A global spectral library with earth engine tools for satellite land cover mapping.
- gref4hsi — A Python package for for georeferencing and orthorectifying hyperspectral imagery
- hs-process — An open-source Python package for geospatial processing of aerial hyperspectral imagery
- hskl — Hyperspectral image analysis with scikit-learn.
- hyperpy — hyperpy: Scientific python library for Hyperspectral plant phenotyping and image processing.
- hyperquest — A Python package for Hyperspectral quality estimation in hyperspectral imaging (imaging spectroscopy)
- isofit — Imaging Spectrometer Optimal FITting
- mag1c — A Sparse Matched Filter Algorithm for Atmospheric Trace Gas Concentration Estimation
- napari-indices — Calculer les indices de végétation
- napari-sediment — A plugin to process hyperspectral images of sediments
- oast — our awesome spectral toolbox
- Orange-Spectroscopy — Extends Orange to handle spectral and hyperspectral analysis.
- phyper — Package for managing (hyper)spectral datasets
- pyslipper — Fit your data with P-Splines!
- rad4sea — A Python package for for radiometric transforms for hyperspectral seafloor/water column mapping
- s-sambuca — TODO: Sambuca short description
- s-sambuca-core — SWAMpy edition - Core components for the SAMBUCA model
- sambuca-core — Core model components for the Semi-Analytical Model
- sentinel-toolkit — Various sentinel tools
- siapy — A python library for efficient processing of spectral images.
- SMAK — A MicroAnalysis Toolkit.
- SpecAI.Seg — Code for doing hyperspectral image segmentation and uncertainty quantification.
- specarray — Working with hyperspectral data
- surehyp — This package was designed to obtain desmiled, destriped and georeferenced reflectance images from Hyperion imagery.
- TrueColorHSI — A package for accurate and vivid visualization of hyperspectral images
- updatehdr — This is a tool for updating hdr file for envi.