Reverse Dependencies of SPARQLWrapper
The following projects have a declared dependency on SPARQLWrapper:
- orbis-plugin-aggregation-dbpedia-entity-types — The dbpedia_entity_types aggregation plugin for Orbis
- osw — Python toolset for data processing, queries, wikicode generation and page manipulation
- oteapi-dlite-Mod — DLite plugin for OTEAPI.
- ou-tm351-py — Python package installation for OU module TM351
- pandas-datacube — A package allowing to download datacubes into pandas data frames
- pdberellig — A toolkit for functional annotation of ligands in the PDB
- pgraphdb — A wrapper around the GraphDB REST interface
- practicalSPARQL — Small wrapper to simplify the interaction with SPARQL endpoints. Built on top of sparqlwrapper and RDFlib
- ProvSense — ProvSense is a Python library for managing knowledge graph provenance. It enables efficient comparison of files, tracking changes, and enforcing provenance rules to ensure data integrity and traceability. Ideal for researchers and developers, ProvSense promotes transparency and accountability in data-driven workflows.
- py-amr2fred — TEXT to AMR to RDF/OWL translator.
- py-entity-linking — A lightweight library for entity linking in English
- py-entity-linking-el — A lightweight library for entity linking in Greek.
- pyBiodatafuse — A python package for integrating data from multiple resources
- pyfuseki — An easy way to mix together OWL and Jena Fuseki.
- pygeoapi-plugins — pygeoapi plugins
- pykg2tbl — Py Project to extract table data from knowwledge-graphs using sparql templates
- pylindas — Utilities for working with the linked data service LINDAS of the Swiss Federal Administration. Includes modules for working with cubes.
- pyloci — Python library for Loc-I
- PyLOD — PyLOD is a Python wrapper for exposing Linked Open Data from public SPARQL-served endpoints.
- pylodstorage — no summary
- pymdt — Python tools for messy data
- pypaml — Protocol Activity Modeling Language
- pypath-omnipath — Molecular signaling prior knowledge processing
- pyrdf4j — no summary
- pyrheadb — Package to facilitate cheminformatics access to RheaDB and its analysis with Python
- pyriksdagen — Access the Riksdagen corpus
- PyShEx — Python ShEx Implementation
- PySPARQL — SPARQL Result to Spark
- QA-pedia — Geração de pares questão-sparql
- qanary-helpers — A package that helps to build Python components for the Qanary Question Answering framework
- qapedia — no summary
- ravenclaw — For data wrangling.
- rdf-doctor — Validate RDF data, report problems, and support creation of more accurate data
- rdf-fingerprinter — Find out kind of data shapes your RDF dataset instantiates.
- rdf2srl — Exposes RDF datasets from sparql endpoints for relational learning models in convenient formats
- rdfingest — no summary
- rdfizer — This project presents the SDM-RDFizer, an interpreter of mapping rules that allows the transformation of (un)structured data into RDF knowledge graphs. The current version of the SDM-RDFizer assumes mapping rules are defined in the RDF Mapping Language (RML) by Dimou et al.
- rdflib-ocdm — no summary
- rdfproxy — no summary
- sbol-factory — Ontology-driven data modeling
- sciencelinker — Enriching survey data with data from knowledge bases
- scribe-data — Wikidata and Wikipedia data extraction for Scribe applications
- SCRY — SPARQL Compatible seRvice laYer
- sentier-data-tools — Basic tools to test and interact with vocabulary and data systems
- SHACL2SPARQLpy — Python reference implementation of SHACL2SPARQL
- shaclapi — An API implementing optimizations over SHACL validators.
- shexer — Automatic schema extraction for RDF graphs
- sipcp — An example program querying the YAPO ontology
- soft7 — SOFT7 semantic interoperability framework.
- sparql-dataframe — Convert SPARQL results to Pandas dataframes
- sparql-endpoint-fixture — SPARQL Endpoint Fixture
- sparql-slurper — SPARQL Slurper for rdflib
- sparql-visualizer — SPARQL query visualizer
- SPARQL2Spark — SPARQL Result to Spark
- SPARQLSlurper — SPARQL Slurper for rdflib
- SPARQLTransformer — Write your SPARQL query directly in the JSON-LD you would like to have in output
- spendpoint — SPARQL endpoint for ontologies.
- srtk — A toolkit for semantic-relevant subgraph retrieval from large-scale knowledge graphs.
- sssom — Operations on SSSOM mapping tables
- SuRF — Object RDF Mapper
- synonym-finder — This package consists of synonym finder class
- t2wml-api — Programming API for T2WML, a cell-based Language for mapping tables into wikidata records
- t2wml-standalone — A standalone version of T2WML
- taxon2wikipedia — Add taxons to pt Wikipedia
- time-agnostic-library — time-agnostic-library is a Python ≥3.7 library that allows performing time-travel queries on RDF datasets compliant with the OCDM v2.0.1 provenance specification.
- tnreason — A package for reasoning based on tensor networks
- TravSHACL — A SHACL validator capable of planning the traversal and execution of the validation of a shape schema to detect violations early.
- tripper — A triplestore wrapper for Python.
- tulit — TULIT - The Universal Legal Informatics Toolkit, is set of legal informatics utilities collected in a Python package that focuses on the retrieval of legal data and metadata from official sources in the EU, and their transformation in pythonic data structures
- twks-client — Tetherless World Knowledge Store (TWKS) client
- tyto — Automatically generates Python symbols for ontology terms
- validating-models — Supporting Explainable AI on Semantic Constraint Validation
- vantage6-algorithm-tools — Vantage6 algorithm tools
- verden-pa-norsk — no summary
- vital-ai-vitalsigns — VitalSigns knowledge graph bindings
- vivo-rdflib-sparqlstore — RDFLib SPARQLStore and SPARQLUpdateStore implementation for VIVO.
- VizKG — Visualization library for SPARQL query results
- wdcuration — Utils for curating unstructured data into Wikidata
- WikibaseMigrator — no summary
- wikidata-sparqlwrapper — Wrapper around the Wikidata SPARQL endpoint that respects the Wikidata usage policy.
- wikidatasets — Break WikiData dumps into smaller knowledge graphs
- wikidatatool — Python package to search item from Wikidata
- wikivents — A simple Python package to represent events from Wikipedia and Wikidata resources.