Reverse Dependencies of sockjs-tornado
The following projects have a declared dependency on sockjs-tornado:
- biothings — a toolkit for building high-performance data APIs in biology
- deva — data eval in future
- django-omnibus — Django/JavaScript WebSocket Connections
- mosquittoChat — A Chat Server based on MQTT protocol using Mosquitto (broker a C implementation of MQTT), websocket, sockjs javascript library on client(browser) side, sockjs-tornado, tornado, and paho-mqtt (mqtt python client library)
- opendiamond — OpenDiamond Platform for Interactive Search
- openhtf — OpenHTF, the open hardware testing framework.
- pylocalsmtp — Ouvre un mini serveur SMTP en local avec inbox dans une interface web.
- rabbitChat — A Chat Server based on AMQP using RabbitMQ message broker implementing AMQP, websocket, sockjs, sockjs-tornado, tornado, and amqp python client library, Pika
- seesaw2 — ArchiveTeam seesaw kit
- sockjsChat — A Chat Server based on sockjs, websocket and tornado
- spintop-openhtf — An opinionated fork of OpenHTF by the team behind Spintop. OpenHTF is currently vendored-in.
- tailon — Webapp for looking at and searching through log files
- wtee — read from stdin, write to stdout and serve on a webpage