Reverse Dependencies of social-auth-app-django
The following projects have a declared dependency on social-auth-app-django:
- argus-htmx-frontend — HTTP Frontend as a django app for argus-server using HTMx
- argus-server — Argus is an alert aggregator for monitoring systems
- auth0-oauth2-backend — An Open edX Python Social Auth backend for Tutor Auth0
- cnili-authentication — Cnili Authentication
- concrete-datastore — A highly versatile REST Datastore
- django-ansible-base — A Django app used by ansible services
- django-auth0-user — Django Authentication and Authorisation using Auth0 and Python Social Auth
- django-df-auth — Opinionated Django REST auth endpoints for JWT authentication and social accounts.
- django-globus-portal-framework — A framework for collating Globus Search data for use with various Globus services.
- django-graphql-social-auth — Python Social Auth support for Django GraphQL
- django_mail_admin — The one and only django app to receive & send mail with templates and multiple configurations.
- django-openid-op — A django database based implementation of a subset of openid protocol, targeted at python3.6 and django 1.11+
- django-project-base — Everything revolves around it: users, roles, permissions, tags, etc.
- django-rest-framework-social-oauth2 — python-social-auth and oauth2 support for django-rest-framework
- django-rest-social-email-allauth — This is an authentication module template with social (Oauth2) Authentication, knox-rest and email account verification with password reset framework.
- django-simple-saml — Django app for managing multiple SAML Identity Providers.
- django-social-oauth-token — OAuth Token generation API for handling OAuth 2.0 Authentication Code Flow based on social-auth
- django-sp — Django application for custom Social Profile Auth and User model.
- django-tsso — Transparent Single Sign On for Django-based Service Provider
- django-unrest — A collection of tools for django
- django-user-app — A user app for Django3
- djaodjin-signup — Django app for user authentication
- djoser — REST implementation of Django authentication system.
- djoser-decacoaching — REST implementation of Django authentication system.
- drf-social-oauth2 — drf-social-oauth2 is a frameworks meant to be used with Django and Django Rest Framework. drf-social-oauth2 offers support to oauth2 authentication and authorization. It's one of the easiest frameworks to integrate Oauth2 to your Django Rest Framework application. By using drf-social-oauth2 you can authenticate with major vendors such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, Github, Twitter and a ton more!
- edx-auth-backends — Custom edX authentication backends and pipeline steps
- edx-oauth2-wordpress-backend — An Open edX Python Social Auth backend for Wordpress
- fullctl — Core classes and functions for service applications
- gamoto — A web portal for VPN self service
- garpix-auth — no summary
- garpix-user — no summary
- gupy-framework — Gupy! A simple and efficient framework for developing cross-platform applications.
- herbie — Herbie is a central data store for business data in a distributed service architecture.
- hidlroute-server — HidlRoute - advanced vpn management system
- infrablue — Material design frontend and server manager for BigBlueButton
- kiwitcms-github-app — GitHub App integration for Kiwi TCMS
- ksp-login — KSP Login is an app for easy authentication management with support for
- leprikon — Django CMS based IS for education
- LibraryApp — A simple django library app
- mitol-django-authentication — MIT Open Learning django app extensions for oauth toolkit
- netbox-pip — netbox but on pypi
- openlxp-authentication — Installable OpenLXP Authentication that adds support for SAML
- pixelcms-server — PixelCMS server part.
- politico-staff-auth — Staff authentication via Slack, the POLITICO way.
- promgen — no summary
- python-josso-auth — A JOSSO backend for python-social-auth
- python-social-auth — Python social authentication made simple.
- rest_social_auth — Django rest framework resources for social auth
- saleor-social-auth — Social auth plugin (wx, alipay & etc.) for Saleor
- saltdash — A Dahsboard for SaltStack's Job Cache
- satnogs-db — SatNOGS DB
- satnogs-network — SatNOGS Network
- social-auth-app-django-mongoengine — Python Social Authentication, Mongoengine Django integration.
- social-auth-backend-prologin — Prologin social auth backend
- social-auth-gsis — Social Auth backend for GSIS
- social-edu-federation — An SAML backend for python-social-auth dedicated to education federation (RENATER)
- stepwise-edx-plugin — A Django plugin to add Stepwise Math custom features to Open edX installations.
- strawberry-django-social-auth — Graphql Social authentication system with Strawberry for Django.
- Strelix-Core —
- teamvault — Keep your passwords behind the firewall
- the-guide — no summary
- twitter-oauth-ios-django — Create UserSocialAuth of social_django with OAuth login with twitter-kit-ios.
- umap-project — Create maps with OpenStreetMap layers in a minute and embed them in your site.
- unicef-security — Provides Basic UNICEF User model and integration with Azure
- verme-logs — Verme logs module to catch server processes and client browser errors
- wapipelines — WA Pipelines
- weevils-django — no summary
- wirecloud-keycloak — WireCloud extension supporting authentication with Keycloak IDM
- xenzen — A Django UI for managing XenServer in the simplest possible way.
- yagura — Simple website monitoring kit