Reverse Dependencies of sncosmo
The following projects have a declared dependency on sncosmo:
- ampel-hu-astro — Astronomy units for the Ampel system from HU-Berlin
- bayesn — Hierarchical Bayesian modelling of type Ia SNe
- bbf — Fast computation of broadband fluxes and mags
- BYOSED — no summary
- fiestaEM — Fast inference of electromagnetic signals with JAX
- hypergal — Python module for Host modeling
- jax-bandflux — A JAX-based package for calculating supernovae Bandfluxes
- kilopop — Kilonova and population model used in C. N. Setzer et al. 2022 arxiv:2205.12286v2.
- lcdata — lcdata: Tools for manipulating large datasets of astronomical light curves
- lemaitre-bandpasses — A small package to store and distribute the Lemaitre bandpasses
- nmma — A nuclear physics multi-messenger Bayesian inference library
- simsurvey — simsurvey: Basic tools for simulating astronomical surveys
- skysurvey — Simulating Transient in the sky and how to observe them
- SNData — A Python interface for data published by various supernova surveys
- SNTD — no summary
- surveySim — no summary
- tdastro — no summary
- ztfcosmo — Simulating Transient in the sky and how to observe them
- zuds — ZTF/ZUDS image processing pipeline