Reverse Dependencies of smt
The following projects have a declared dependency on smt:
- artap — Platform for robust design optimization
- BCemu — Using emulators to implement baryonic effects.
- cetpy — Congruent Engineering Toolbox
- embarrassingly — Pimp your objective function for faster, robust optimization
- evolutionary-forest — An open source python library for automated feature engineering based on Genetic Programming
- gemseo-mlearning — Miscellaneous machine learning capabilities.
- mvmlib — Margin Value Method Library
- raven-framework — RAVEN (Risk Analysis Virtual Environment) is designed to perform parametric and probabilistic analysis based on the response of complex system codes. RAVEN C++ dependenciences including a library for computing the Approximate Morse-Smale Complex (AMSC) and Crow probability tools
- sb-arch-opt — SBArchOpt: Surrogate-Based Architecture Optimization
- smt-explainability — no summary
- surrogates_interface — Interface for surrogate models.
- xesn — Echo State Networks powered by xarray