Reverse Dependencies of smac
The following projects have a declared dependency on smac:
- alphad3m — AlphaD3M: NYU's AutoML System
- Auto-Sklong — A package for automated machine learning based on scikit-learn and sklong to tackle the longitudinal machine learning classificationt tasks.
- auto-verify — Efficient portfolio-based verification of neural network properties
- autonml — AutonML : CMU's AutoML System
- autoPyTorch — Auto-PyTorch searches neural architectures using smac
- diego — Diego: Data IntElliGence Out.
- Gedi — Generating Event Data with Intentional Features for Benchmarking Process Mining
- hydra-smac — Hydra + SMAC
- HyperSweeper — Hydra sweeper integration of our favorite optimization packages, utilizing ask-and-tell interfaces.
- lale — Library for Semi-Automated Data Science
- lkauto — LensKit-Auto is built as a wrapper around the Python LensKit recommender-system library. It automates algorithm selection and hyper parameter optimization an can build ensemble models based on the LensKit models.
- llamea — no summary
- mlos-bench — MLOS Bench Python interface for benchmark automation and optimization.
- mlos-core — MLOS Core Python interface for parameter optimization.
- nevergrad — A Python toolbox for performing gradient-free optimization
- opof — Open-source framework for solving the Planner Optimization Problem
- pytabkit — ML models + benchmark for tabular data classification and regression
- sam-ml-py — a library for ML programing created by Samuel Brinkmann
- selector-ac — Selector: Ensemble-Based Automated Algorithm Configuration
- slideflow — Deep learning tools for digital histology
- syne-tune — Distributed Hyperparameter Optimization on SageMaker
- twinbooster — Python package for TwinBooster: Synergising Chemical Structures and Bioassay Descriptions for Enhanced Molecular Property Prediction in Drug Discovery