Reverse Dependencies of slackclient
The following projects have a declared dependency on slackclient:
- sumologic-slack — Sumo Logic collection solution for slack
- swimlane-records-updater — Common Record Updater for Swimlane apps
- sync-ends — Sync Ends - End Development Overheads CSC 510 Project
- sync-ends-api-service — Sync Ends - End Development Overheads
- tamr-toolbox — Tools for Tamr
- taosdevopsutils — Utility Functions for the Taos Devops team
- tasklog — CLI to submit tasklogs to Jira
- tensorboard-reporter — Get reports for your training process via Slack
- termination-handler — Handle termination notices on spot/preemptible instances.
- terra-billing-alert — Terra Billing Alert script for Google Cloud Function
- tfx — TensorFlow Extended (TFX) is a TensorFlow-based general-purpose machine learning platform implemented at Google.
- tfx-addons — TFX Addons libraries
- threedi-cmd — Python 3Di command line client
- tracklater — TrackLater helps you track time after-the-fact by combining clues and showingyour day on a simple timeline view.
- trixi — Manage your machine learning experiments with trixi - modular, reproducible, high fashion
- velbot — A HTTP Based Slack Bot Written in Python.
- vztcdpchaos-slack — Slack extension for cdp chaos exps
- waseda-tfx — TensorFlow Extended (TFX) is a TensorFlow-based general-purpose machine learning platform implemented at Google.
- whatis-bot — A Slack app to explore, create and curate your workspace's business terminology
- xSlack — Open source, self hosted cross-team channels for Slack!
- yaqc-cmds — Unified software for controlling hardware and collecting data in the Wright group.
- Yas — Yet Another Slack bot
- zb-common — A package containing all the common utilities for the Zerobugz project
- zb-restqa — A package containing the framework for REST APIs
- zou — API to store and manage the data of your animation production