Reverse Dependencies of skorch
The following projects have a declared dependency on skorch:
- aidapy — AI package for heliophysics
- aif360 — IBM AI Fairness 360
- autoemulate — A python package for semi-automated emulation
- banditml — Lightweight library for training & serving contextual bandit models.
- bento-tools — A toolkit for subcellular analysis of RNA organization
- Braindecode — Deep learning software to decode EEG, ECG or MEG signals
- calisim — A toolbox for the calibration and evaluation of simulation models.
- cdst — Calvin's Data Science Toolbox
- concrete-ml — Concrete ML is an open-source set of tools which aims to simplify the use of fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) for data scientists.
- darwin-handlers — no summary
- deforce — deforce: Derivative-Free Algorithms for Optimizing Cascade Forward Neural Networks
- df-analyze — Add your description here
- diagnnose — A library that facilitates a broad set of tools for analysing hidden activations of neural models.
- dragon-autodl — Implementation of the algorithmic framework from <An algorithmic framework for the optimization of deep neural networks architectures and hyperparameters>
- geneeval — A Python library for evaluating gene embeddings
- gentab — A synthetic tabular data generation library.
- ibis-ml — IbisML is a library for building scalable ML pipelines using Ibis.
- ibm-watson-machine-learning — IBM Watson Machine Learning API Client
- ibm-watsonx-ai — IBM API Client
- knodle — Knowledge infused deep learning framework
- kts — A framework for fast and interactive conducting machine learning experiments on tabular data
- LANDMarkClassifier — LANDMark: An ensemble approach to the supervised selection of biomarkers in high-throughput sequencing data
- mattomer — A modular active learning framework for Python3
- metabci — A Library of Datasets, Algorithms, and Experiments workflow for Brain-Computer Interface
- mia — A library for running membership inference attacks against ML models
- ml-experiment-manager — Manage data during machine learning projects
- mltome — A collection of Mtools that builds on Python ML frameworks.
- modAL-python — A modular active learning framework for Python3
- modAL-python-mirror — A modular active learning framework for Python3 (mirror package)
- oban-classifier — OBAN Classifier: A Skorch-based flexible neural network for binary and multiclass classification
- optuna-integration — Integration libraries of Optuna.
- prototype-learning — A package for learning interpretable prototypes for prediction tasks.
- punppci — Neural network for insurance claims modelling
- py2ls — py(thon)2(too)ls
- pytabkit — ML models + benchmark for tabular data classification and regression
- pythoncharmers-meta — Meta package with dependencies for Python Charmers training courses
- ray-skorch — Skorch on Ray Train
- reflame — Revolutionizing Functional Link Neural Network by Metaheuristic Algorithms: reflame - A Python Library
- sail — Python package for streaming data and incremental learning
- salmon-triplets — Efficient crowdsourcing for ordinal embeddings
- scCAMEL — scCAMEL: single cell Cross- Annotation and Multimodal Estimation on Lineage trajectory;License: GPL version 3;Developed by: Yizhou Hu, Patrik Ernfors lab, MBB, Karolinska Institutet;Tutorials and other informations in :
- skada — A Python package for domain adaptation compatible with scikit-learn and Pytorch.
- skorch-tabsra — TabSRA model
- spacecutter — Ordinal regression models in PyTorch
- summit — Tools for optimizing chemical processes
- time-series-predictor — Time Series Predictor
- timeskorch — Time Skorch (TS) is a powerful tool designed to make time series analysis and forecasting a breeze.
- tuhlbox — Personal toolbox of language processing models.
- XAISuite — XAISuite: Training and Explanation Generation Utilities for Machine Learning Models