Reverse Dependencies of sklearn-pandas
The following projects have a declared dependency on sklearn-pandas:
- aideml — Autonomous AI for Data Science and Machine Learning
- allennlp-dataframe-mapper — no summary
- alphastats — An open-source Python package for automated and scalable statistical analysis of mass spectrometry-based proteomics
- ArambhML — An Auto ML framework that solves Classification Tasks
- arcagent — An AI agent competing for the 2024 ARC Prize (Abstract Reasoning Challenge).
- auto-dl — test
- auto-preprocess — Auto PreProcess package
- automl-client-core-nativeclient — AutoML native client implementation
- azureml-automl-runtime — Contains the ML and non-Azure specific common code associated with running AutoML for public use.
- azureml-train-automl-runtime — Used for automatically finding the best machine learning model and its parameters.
- ballet — Core functionality for lightweight, collaborative data science projects
- bdbcontrib — Hodgepodge library of extras for bayeslite
- BeautifulSauce — BeautifulSoup's saucy sibling!
- brebsML — Toutes les librairies que nous utiliseront pour ce comité
- crossval-ensemble — A scikit-learn wrapper for CrossValidation Ensembles
- DataScienceHelpers — Helper modules for doing data cleaning, training, exploration, etc.
- distil-primitives — Distil primitives as a single library
- dslectures — Course materials for introductory data science
- eia-odin-pkg-rioatmadja2018 — Python Wheels to interact with the EIA APIs
- etl-ml — etl_ml is a tools could etl origin excel or csv dirty data and send data to ftp or server and insert data to hive database and load data from jump hive make feature project machine learning model train and jump the jump machine to connect hive get hive data to pandas dataframe
- hepml — Practical machine learning for particle physicists
- keras-pandas — Easy and rapid deep learning
- leapfrog — Boost productivity by using a range of tools helping with ETL, modelling, reporting, and dashboards
- lightfm-pandas — LightFM convenience tools
- ml-express — A Python library for day to day data analysis and machine learning.
- ml-recsys-tools — Tools for recommendation systems development
- mlplumber — ML Utilities for constructing pipeline
- mlsuite — The traditional machine learning analysis based on sklearn package
- noba-mauve — Unit test your writing
- oireachtas-nlp — nlp on data from the oireachtas api relating to members / parties
- pada — a ligthweight feature manage framework
- promptcraft — PromptCraft: A Prompt Perturbation Toolkit for Prompt Robustness Analysis
- pyllars — This package contains supporting utilities for Python 3.
- quickplotter — Instantly generate common EDA plots without cleaning your DataFrame
- scorecardpipeline — 评分卡pipeline建模包,封装toad、scorecardpy、optbinning等评分卡建模相关组件,API风格与sklearn高度一致,自持自定义模型报告输出
- ssh-jump-hive — ssh_jump_hive is a tools could jump the jump machine to connect hive get hive data to pandas dataframe
- tf2-keras-pandas — Easy and rapid deep learning - updated for tensorflow 2.0
- veta — Simple variant prediction evaluation
- wgcpy — Data analysis and PMML model framework!