Reverse Dependencies of skein
The following projects have a declared dependency on skein:
- cluster-pack — A library on top of either pex or conda-packto make your Python code easily available on a cluster
- dask-gateway-server — A multi-tenant server for securely deploying and managing multiple Dask clusters.
- dask-yarn — Deploy dask clusters on Apache YARN
- jupyterhub-yarnspawner — JupyterHub Spawner for Apache Hadoop/YARN Clusters
- mlflow-yarn — Backend implementation for running MLFlow projects on Hadoop/YARN
- pydisconet — analyzing the co-authorship network of researchers in the field of biology
- tf-yarn — Distributed TensorFlow or pythorch on a YARN cluster
- tf-yarn-gpu — Distributed TensorFlow on a YARN cluster with Gpu support