Reverse Dependencies of skan
The following projects have a declared dependency on skan:
- cuisto — Quantification of objects in histological slices
- ILEE-CSK — A high-performance cytoskeleton image analysis platform
- morphosamplers — A library for sampling image data along morphological objects such as splines and surfaces.
- npeccv6 — Python package for root recognition and robot controll
- prevampire — Supplementary Package to Apply to existing VAMPIRE package pipeline.
- PyRootMancer — Summon the secrets of the soil with PyRootMancer - the enchanting way to master root phenotyping.
- pytorch-segmentation-models-trainer — Image segmentation models training of popular architectures.
- RHaP — A python library to analyse hydride morphology present in light optical and scanning electron micrographs.
- smart-arabidopsis-traits — Extract geometric traits from top-view images of plants.
- splinebox — A python package for fitting splines.
- testasddsa — DEMO pipeline
- topostats — Automated Analysis for Atomic Force Microscopy Images of Biomolecules
- zrhappy — A python library to analyse hydride morphology present in light optical and scanning electron micrographs.