Reverse Dependencies of single-source
The following projects have a declared dependency on single-source:
- antsichaut — antsichaut automates ansible changelog generation from GitHub Pull Requests
- audio-program-generator — Create an audio program from a text file containing English sentences
- auto-pr — Perform bulk updates across repositories
- aws-sqs-consumer — AWS SQS Consumer
- baseten — Deploy machine learning models to Baseten
- blackbox-cli — Tool for automatic backups of databases
- cert-host-scraper — no summary
- correct-hours — no summary
- Crimson — Bioinformatics tool outputs converter to JSON or YAML
- django-belt — Simple package with some utilities for Django.
- django-snitch — Django app made to integrate generic events that create notifications that can be sent to users using several backends.
- django-websocket-notifications — A Django package to handle notifications using Django Channels and WebSockets.
- doujinapi — unofficial wrapper of official API
- foundry-smb3 — The future of SMB3
- foxai — Model Interpretability for PyTorch.
- gh-echo — A command-line tool built to obtain in-depth, actionable information about GitHub repositories.
- iclingo — 🔴🟢🔵 clingo kernel for Jupyter
- iolite-client — API client for interacting with IOLite's remote API
- lep-downloader — LEP Downloader - CLI app for parsing and downloading episodes of Luke's English Podcast
- lice2 — Generate license files for your projects
- obswebsocket-trio — Python library to communicate with an obs-websocket server, trio async version. Fork of obs-websocket-py<>
- odoo-driver — Python library to communicates with devices used by Odoo.(Mainly Point of Sale application)Alternative to Iot Box Odoo solution or Pywebdriver community solution.
- odoo-openupgrade-wizard — CLI tool to manage Odoo Major Upgrades
- odoo-tools-grap — Small CLI tool for Odoo
- onx — Noughts & Crosses (Tic Tac Toe) terminal based, client-server online game with your partner through websockets.
- oots-get — Download all 'Order of the Stick' comics for local reading.
- openapi-readme — Generate Markdown from an openapi JSON file.
- openapy — no summary
- playlist-along — Python CLI app for M3U playlists conversion and processing
- podping-hivewriter — This is a tool used to submit RFC 3987-compliant International Resource Identifiers as a Podping notification on the Hive blockchain.
- pongy — Ping-pong multiplayer client-server game up to 4 players over network in early development stage.
- preconstruct — preprocess auditory neurosciencd data to facilitate neural encoding/decoding models
- pyobs-alpaca — pyobs module for ASCOM Alpaca
- pyobs-core — robotic telescope software
- pypj — Python project initializer
- pytest-fold — Capture Pytest output and when test run is complete, drop user into interactive text user interface
- pytest-oof — A Pytest plugin providing structured, programmatic access to a test run's results
- pytest-tally — A Pytest plugin to generate realtime summary stats, and display them in-console using a text-based dashboard.
- pytest-tui — Text User Interface (TUI) and HTML report for Pytest test runs
- redbuild — magic containerized builds
- spexxy — spectrum fitting package
- super-glass-lsp — Generic LSP to parse the output of CLI tools, linters, formatters, etc
- sus-io — A SUS (Sliding Universal Score) parser and generator.
- taiga-stats — Generate statistics from Taiga and produce burnup diagrams, CFDs, dependency graphs and more.
- telegram-stats-bot — A logging and statistics bot for Telegram based on python-telegram-bot.
- tell-me-your-secrets — A simple module which finds files with different secrets keys present inside a directory
- truss — A seamless bridge from model development to model delivery
- truss-lib — A seamless bridge from model development to model delivery
- video-slide-extractor — no summary
- yubaba — no summary