Reverse Dependencies of signxml
The following projects have a declared dependency on signxml:
- capvalidator — Python module to validate a CAP message against the OASIS CAP 1.2 schema and verify the XML signature.
- cl-sii — Python library for Servicio de Impuestos Internos (SII) of Chile.
- django-peertube-runner-connector — A django application to connect to a peertube runner and transcode videos
- eracun-generator — e-SLOG e-Racun v1.6.1 and v2.0 XML generator
- erpbrasil.assinatura — Assinatura de documentos com certificados digitais A1 e A3
- flask-saml2-fork — SAML 2.0 IdP and SP for Flask and Python 3
- jupyterhub-samlauthenticator — SAML Authenticator for JupyterHub
- jupyterhub-samlauthenticator-kai — no summary
- jupyters — no summary
- ksef-utils — "KSeF Python client for creating invoices"
- libesocial — Biblioteca para uso com o eSocial
- md-sign — Script to sign metadata
- mock-idp — Mock SAML 2.0 Identity Provider
- nfsepmsj — Biblioteca para acesso ao Webservices de NFSe da Prefeitura Municipal de Sao Jose - SC
- nv-attestation-sdk — The Attestation SDK provides developers with a easy to use APIs for implementing attestation capabilities into their applications.
- nv-local-gpu-verifier — A Python-based tool that validates GPU measurements by comparing GPU runtime measurements with authenticated golden measurements
- odoo12-addon-l10n-cl-electronic-invoicing — Get your customer invoices signed by SII.
- openleadr — Python3 library for building OpenADR Clients (VENs) and Servers (VTNs)
- pydcc — Library for handling digital calibration certificates (DCC).
- PyNFe — Interface library with the Brazilian Electronic Invoice web services
- PyNFSe — Lib para emissão de NFSe
- pytbai — pytbai allows to create, manage and send TicketBai invoices to the Basque tax authorities
- python-pskc — Python module for handling PSKC files
- PyTrustNFe — PyTrustNFe é uma biblioteca para envio de NF-e
- roadtx — ROADtools Token eXchange
- sincpro-siat-soap — Bridge SOAP Services for SIAT Bolivia
- social-edu-federation — An SAML backend for python-social-auth dedicated to education federation (RENATER)
- tma-saml — TMA SAML processing package
- trytoncommunity-edocument-es-facturae — Tryton module for electronic document Facturae (Spanish)
- upcpayment — Library for upc services