Reverse Dependencies of signalslot
The following projects have a declared dependency on signalslot:
- ad9xdds — Ad9xDds is library dedicated to handle AD9854, AD9912 and AD9915 DDS development board.
- benutils — Various utilities (mjd, data container, widgets...)
- ddsctrl — ddscontroller allow basic handling of AD9912 and AD9915 DDS development board.
- EzOpcuaServer — ...
- incipyt — incipyt is a command-line tool that bootstraps a python project.
- poliBeePsync — Sync files from (for students of Politecnico di Milano)
- PrEditor — A python REPL and Editor and console based on Qt.
- scinstr — Drivers to handle various scientific instruments (DMM, frequency counter, DAQ, VNA...). Include also some cli script.
- scinstr-bin — Scripts to handle various scientific instruments (DMM, frequency counter, DAQ, VNA...). Need scinstr package