Reverse Dependencies of shutilwhich
The following projects have a declared dependency on shutilwhich:
- alhambra — DX Tile Set Designer
- clairmeta — ClairMeta is a python package for Digital Cinema Package (DCP) probing and checking.
- compiledb — Tool for generating Clang JSON Compilation Database files for make-based build systems.
- compiledb-plus — Tool for generating Clang JSON Compilation Database files for make-based build systems. A fork of
- compiledbd — Tool for generating Clang JSON Compilation Database files for make-based build systems.
- csv2table — CSV to Grid Table in Markdown
- docker-manager — Extending docker-compose with tools for networking and nginx proxy config.
- epicarousel — EpiCarousel: memory- and time-efficient identification of metacells for atlas-level single-cell chromatin accessibility data
- ipypublish — A workflow for creating and editing publication ready scientific reports, from one or more Jupyter Notebooks
- kaas-admin — no summary
- mayalauncher — Autodesk Maya application launcher.
- neurokernel — An open architecture for Drosophila brain emulation
- oasislmf — Core loss modelling framework.
- pew — tool to manage multiple virtualenvs written in pure python
- pew-trobz — tool to manage multiple virtualenvs written in pure python, trobz's fork
- pwnypack — Official Certified Edible Dinosaurs CTF toolkit.
- pyexlatex — Python Extends LaTeX - A High-Level Python API for Creating Latex Documents
- snap-plugin-collector-pysmart — This is a plugin for the Snap telemetry framework providingstorage related metrics through smartmontools