Reverse Dependencies of sgp4
The following projects have a declared dependency on sgp4:
- awsgnssroutils — Utilities for access and manipulation of GNSS radio occultation in the AWS Registry of Open Data
- beyond — Flight Dynamic Library
- cysgp4 — cysgp4: a wrapper around the SGP4 package, for sat TLE calculations
- dorado-scheduling — Dorado observation planning and scheduling simulations
- dsgp4 — Differentiable SGP4 prototype
- embers — Experimental Measurement of BEam Response with Satellites
- glidertest — Diagnostic tests of glider quality
- gps-helper — GPS helper module
- hapsira — Utilities and Python wrappers for Orbital Mechanics.
- kamodo-ccmc — A functional api for scientific data
- lumos-sat — Satellite Brightness Calculation Tools
- nastro — Practical astrodynamics
- oem — Python Orbit Ephemeris Message (OEM) tools
- orbdtools — A set of routines for data processing related to ORBit Determination(ORBD) of space objects
- orbit-predictor — Python library to propagate satellite orbits.
- orcestra — Tools around the ORCESTRA field campaign
- passpredict — Predict upcoming satellite overpasses
- poliastro — Utilities and Python wrappers for Orbital Mechanics
- pysatMissionPlanning — Mission Planning toolkit for pysat
- pysatMissions — Mission Planning toolkit for pysat
- satdatagen — A Python package to generate datasets for satellite tasking schedulers.
- satellite-czml — Creates a CZML string based on TLE (Two Line Element set) data for plotting satellites on the open source CesiumJS JavaScript library
- satellitetle — Fetch satellite TLEs from various online sources
- satmad — satmad
- satnogs-db — SatNOGS DB
- satsim — Satellite observation and scene simulator.
- seagliderOG1 — Convert from Seaglider basestation to OG1 format
- skyfield — Elegant astronomy for Python
- sopp — SOPP is an open-source tool for calculating satellite interference to radio astronomy observations.
- tle2czml — Convert TLE's to CZML file
- trusat — TruSat satellite observation processing utilities