Reverse Dependencies of serial
The following projects have a declared dependency on serial:
- astutus — Use the Sphinx RTD Theme to create a beautiful Flask application.
- atmo-desktop — Reading Atmosniffer device data.
- chessai-python — ChessAI - Chinese Chess Game Analyzer
- daqcrux — DAQCrux Hardware accesing pakcage
- dyna-gsm-module — GSM modules required for dynaslope 3 project
- emodbus — All Magic Methods Implement. You can easyly to implement all magic methods or part of them
- ericnuno — Erics common functions
- gaia-communication — Communication module for the gaia boat.
- Instrumental-lib — Library with high-level drivers for lab equipment
- irobotcreate — Python code to control the irobotCreate2 from a raspberry pi
- iteda — This is a menu to control an integrating sphere through a serial interface (rs232)
- minirobots-turtle — Python client for Minirobots Turtle Robot (includes Jupyter tutorial)
- MMLToolbox — no summary
- modbus2mqtt — Bridge from Modbus to MQTT
- mogdevice — Communicating with MOGlabs devices
- mypcremote — A good package to let your computer remote controlled using Discord
- optima-robotics — A library for robotics.
- pykinisi — Python package for Kinisi Controller
- pymfx4 — Access MFX_4 devices.
- pymodaq-plugins-flim — Set of PyMoDAQ plugins for FLIM Measurements (Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy) (using a conjugation of Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting (TSCPC) and xy stages)
- pymodaq-plugins-zaber — Plugin for Zaber actuators
- pySimCard — Tools related to SIM/USIM/ISIM cards
- remoshock — Computer based shock-collar remote control with "evil" features.
- roboemotion — emotion expressing for robotic arms
- rovpy — Ardusub based Rov Library
- runer — Python runer lib support shell, ssh ...
- secsgem_cyg — secsgem 封装
- Shutter-GSJiang66 — A simple realization of optical shutter
- wisdom-sdk — Wisdom SDK
- zuss — ZD USB Shifter SDK