Reverse Dependencies of sequana-pipetools
The following projects have a declared dependency on sequana-pipetools:
- MergeGI — Merge MGI fastq files
- sequana-bioconvert — description: convert NGS format from one to another using bioconvert
- sequana-demultiplex — Pipeline that runs bcl2fastq and ease demultiplexing of Sequencing data
- sequana-denovo — Multi-sample denovo assembly of FastQ sequences (short read)
- sequana-depletion — A pipeline to deplete reads from a given reference
- sequana-fastqc — A multi-sample fastqc pipeline from Sequana project
- sequana-mapper — A multi-sample mapper to map reads onto a reference
- sequana-multitax — A multi-sample and multi-databases taxonomic analysis using Kraken
- sequana-nanomerge — Merge barcoded or non barcoded fastq files generated by Nanopore runs
- sequana-revcomp — reverse complement a set of FastQ files
- sequana-ribofinder — A multi-sample identification of ribosomal content
- sequana-rnaseq — A RNAseq pipeline from raw reads to feature counts
- sequana-variant-calling — A multi-sample variant calling pipeline