Reverse Dependencies of seqfold
The following projects have a declared dependency on seqfold:
- biobookshelf — a collection of python scripts and functions for exploratory analysis of bioinformatic data in Python
- DNAProbeDesigner — Design DNA probes for ISH experiments.
- dt4dds — dt4dds is a Python package providing a customizable, digital representation of the widely-used DNA data storage workflow involving array synthesis, PCR, Aging, and Sequencing-By-Synthesis. By modelling each part of such user-defined workflows with fully customizable experimental parameters, dt4dds enables data-driven experimental design and rational design of redundancy. dt4dds also includes a pipeline for comprehensively analyzing errors in sequencing data, both from experiments and simulation.
- primers — Create PCR primers with optimal lengths, tms, gc%s and free energies
- sglearn — Python package for featurizing sgRNAs for machine learning
- varvamp — Variable VirusAMPlicons (varVAMP) is a tool to design primers for highly diverse viruses