Reverse Dependencies of sep
The following projects have a declared dependency on sep:
- arctic-charr-matcher — Arctic Charr matching library
- astrobject — astrobject: Basic tools for astrophysics and cosmology
- blending-toolkit — Blending ToolKit
- castor-orsay — Codes pour l’ASTronomie à ORsay
- coadd — Coadd images
- cosmic-conn — Cosmic-CoNN: A Cosmic Ray Detection Deep Learning Framework, Dataset, and Toolkit
- cymorph — Non-parametric Galaxy Morphology Package
- deepdisc — no summary
- falsedto — falsedto: Faint Line Segment Detection Tool
- fitsImageProcess — A package for processing FITS images
- gbtred — GBT Data Reduction
- hostphot — Global and local photometry of galaxies hosting supernovae or other transients
- hypergal — Python module for Host modeling
- imaxt-mosaic — Image stitching
- imcascade — imcascade: Fitting astronomical images using a 'cascade' of Gaussians
- lightcurver — A thorough structure for precise photometry and deconvolution of time series of wide field images.
- madness-deblender — Galaxy deblender from variational autoencoders
- mrf — Multi-Resolution Filtering (MRF) is a method for isolating faint, extended emission in low-resolution images.
- MYRaf — MYRaf; an astropy wrapper for astronomical photometry
- nicpolpy — Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory (NHAO) Near-Infrared Camera (NIC) polarimetry pipeline.
- opexebo — Collection of python code in Kavli lab.
- pixedfit — A python package specially designed for SED fitting of resolved sources
- properimage — Proper Astronomic Image Analysis
- prose — Modular image processing pipelines for Astronomy
- pyird — Python IRD
- PyNOT-redux — Data Reduction Pipeline for NOT/ALFOSC
- pyobs-core — robotic telescope software
- pysedm — Simulating Transient in the sky and how to observe them
- pyxel-sim — Pyxel detector simulation framework.
- sausero — This software is designed to reduce Broad Band Imaging observations obtained with OSIRIS+.
- sdss-lvmagp — Aquisition and guiding package for SDSS-V LVM
- sdss-skymakercam — Skymaker camera with sdss-basecam
- shapelets — Shapelets provide reference access to various shapelet functions and some of their applications.
- spalipy — Detection-based astrononmical image registration
- SRPAstro.FITS — Tools for handling FITS files under SRP
- theprometheus — PSF Photometry Software
- widefield-plate-solver — An astronomical image plate solving package.