Reverse Dependencies of seedir
The following projects have a declared dependency on seedir:
- eulerpi — The eulerian parameter inference (eulerpi) returns a parameter distribution, which is consistent with the observed data by solving the inverse problem directly. In the case of a one-to-one mapping, this is the true underlying distribution.
- exso — An analytical framework for the Greek Power&Gas System Operation ('SO') and Market Exchange ('Ex') Data.
- psychopy-bids — A PsychoPy plugin for using the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) to organize and describe data.
- pyvista-view — A pythonic interface to the Qt Graphics View Framework using qtpy
- qtpygraph — A pythonic interface to the Qt Graphics View Framework using qtpy
- robotframework-browser — Robot Framework Browser library powered by Playwright. Aiming for speed, reliability and visibility.
- scitree — One downloader for many scientific data and code repositories!
- sphinx-multi-theme — A Sphinx extension that builds copies of your docs using multiple themes into separate subdirectories.
- sportslabkit — A Python package for sports analytics.
- sybil — Automated testing for the examples in your code and documentation.
- tidydata — Data Cleaner for multiple files