Reverse Dependencies of sec-cik-mapper
The following projects have a declared dependency on sec-cik-mapper:
- projectm2-hermine-delamaire — Create, analyze, and compare backtesting strategies for financial portfolios. Stores backtest results securely on a blockchain.
- pybacktestchain — Store your backtests in a Blockchain
- pybacktestchain-ev — Improved pybacktestchain library with interactive UI and features added (risk measures, trading strategies, multiple asset classes)
- pybacktestchain_ss — Enchancing the pybacktestchain package. Made by Samuli Salonen as the individual assignment for the M203 Python course.
- pybacktestchain-vol-cash — Store your backtests in a Blockchain
- regpnlpypi — no summary
- rv-strategy-mb — Python Trading Strategy
- sec_yf — A package for downloading accounting and market data from SEC regulated companies.