Reverse Dependencies of sdsstools
The following projects have a declared dependency on sdsstools:
- jaeger — Controllers for the SDSS-V FPS
- lvmapi — REST API for LVM operations
- lvmbeat — LVM heartbeat monitor
- lvmcryo — LVM cryostat tools
- lvmgort — The brains of LVM observing
- lvmguider — LVM guiding and focusing
- lvmopstools — LVM tools and utilities for operations
- marvin-brain — Core Marvin Brain for SDSS
- sdss-access — Package to dynamically build filepaths and access all SDSS SAS products
- sdss-actorcore — SDSS core base actor
- sdss-alertsActor — actor for monitoring and raising alerts in SDSS
- sdss-apoactor — APO weather and enclosure package
- sdss-archon — A library and actor to communicate with an STA Archon controller.
- sdss-basecam — A base library for camera wrapping and actor.
- sdss-bossicc — The BOSS Instrument Control Computer for APO.
- sdss-brain — Core Brain for SDSS
- sdss-cerebro — Telemetry management and time series for SDSS-V
- sdss-cherno — SDSS guider actor
- sdss-clu — A new protocol for SDSS actors.
- sdss-cluplus — Additional functionality for sdss-clu
- sdss-coordio — Coordinate conversion for SDSS-V
- sdss-drift — Modbus PLC control library
- sdss-flicamera — A library to control Finger Lakes Instrumentation cameras.
- sdss-fliswarm — A tool to create and manage Docker instances of flicamera
- sdss-hal — High-level observing tool for SDSS-V (replaces SOP)
- sdss-hartmannactor — An actor to analyse hartmann images and apply corrections.
- sdss-lcolamps — A library to control the LCO M2 lamps.
- sdss-lvmecp — A library and actor to communicate with an SDSS-V LVM Enclosure
- sdss-lvmieb — Control software for the Local Volume Mapper Instrument Electronics Box
- sdss-lvmnps — A library and actor to communicate with an SDSS-V LVM network power switch
- sdss-lvmpwi — Lvm Pwi4 Actor
- sdss-lvmtan — Lvm Tan Clu Wrapper
- sdss-marvin — Toolsuite for dealing with the MaNGA dataset
- sdss-opscore — SDSS core actor and parsing classes
- sdss-skymakercam — Skymaker camera with sdss-basecam
- sdss-target-selection — Code to perform target selection for BHM/MWM using catalogdb
- sdss-too — Targets of Opportunity (ToO) for SDSS-V
- sdss-tpm-multicast-client — TPM multicast client
- sdss-tree — Control and setup of SDSS tree environment and modules
- sdssdb — SDSS product for database management