Reverse Dependencies of scyjava
The following projects have a declared dependency on scyjava:
- autoballs — Python package for segmentation of axons and morphological analysis.
- bfio — Simple reading and writing classes for tiled tiffs using Bio-Formats.
- bioformats-jar — bioformats_package.jar installer for scyjava
- brainways — Brainways
- cellprofiler-core-nightly — cellprofiler-core implements the bulk of CellProfiler's non-gui functionality
- imglyb — A python module to bring together the worlds of NumPy (Python) and ImgLib2 (Java).
- imglyb-bdv — A python module adding BigDataViewer functions to imglyb.
- marspylib — Library containing python Fiji launcher and python functions to interact with Mars Archives
- mikroj — no summary
- multisesh — For combining and analysing microscope imaging data made in multiple different sessions.
- napari-brainways — Brainways
- napari-imagej — ImageJ functionality from napari
- nima-io — A project to read microscopy files.
- pybacting — A python wrapper around Bacting
- pyimagej — Python wrapper for ImageJ
- tllab-common — Common code for the Lenstra lab.
- valis-wsi — no summary
- wsidicomizer — Tool for reading WSI files from proprietary formats and optionally convert them to to DICOM